Tuesday, November 20, 2018

INTERPOL Election Tomorrow

    All the countries associated with INTERPOL, the international police agency, will vote tomorrow for a new president.  In October, the last president disappeared, more or less.  The Chinese gentleman who held the post went home for a visit.  He then failed to return and didn't leave messages for his office staff.  Seems odd.  But wait.  After a delay of several days, the Chinese Communists announced that he had been arrested and detained for certain "crimes"(usually taking bribes, drinking bourbon, soliciting wild women, and the like).  The INTERPOL organization was informed that he would not be returning to his post.  So, the Secretary General of the organization announced a search for a presidential candidate.  A flood of names was soon seen at headquarters: some names submitted:
Woody Woodpecker;  Charley Brown;  Boris Johnson; Sarkozy of France; Donald Duck; Mickey Mouse;  Jacob Zuma; Jerry Brown; Elvis; Elton JOhn; Otis Redding; Link Ray; Michael Bloomberg; janet Neopolitano; Chris Christie; James Comey( a real possibility!); Sarah Palin; Al Franken;
and Al Sharpton.
      But to nobody's surprise, the Kremlin is promoting one of its own.  Can you imagine: a Russyan as head of INTERPOL?  We 'd have to put all poisons around the world under armed guard 24/7 with orders to shoot-to-kill all trespassers. Even the suggestion of such an election is enough to cause convulsive laughter around the globe.
     I won't make any predictions the night before the election, but: with Turkey Day fast approaching, don't be surprised if a REAL turkey shows up in the INTERPOL presidential suite on FRIDAY, aka Black Friday.
    Note: if the election computer gets hacked, who will approve the results?

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