Saturday, July 22, 2017

Tahoe Cedars: Gone But not Forgotten

      Long time Tahoma landmark, the cozy Tahoe Cedars resort has been demolished by developers.  The cluster of building on the lake side of Highway 89 were constructed of local stone in a style reminiscent of frontier cabins from the 18th and 19th centuries.   The long time owners retired over 10 years ago and sold to a willing buyer.  That buyer sat on the property and resold the resort to another party for about 4x what he paid the retiring couple.   The property then sat untouched for almost 6 years.  Now, action.
      The ultimate result is not readily available, but think $$$$$$$ expensive.  One more reason to believe that Lake Tahoe will soon be home to 1%-ers.  The lavishly over paid technocrats who dominate California's business landscape and the Democrats in Sacramento seem more than willing to support no matter what.
     As citizens have found out in Seattle, Washington, that policy of appeasement is not always in the best interest of locals.
      based on information received from our reliable source in Tahoma, 6 homes will be built on the site.   Three will be lake fronts, and three more near Highway 89.   $6 million is a figure thrown around for each house on the shore; less for those uphill.  Hmmmmm.  Who will be buyers?

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