Monday, June 26, 2017

Jesse Ventura: Duped

      How many times does one's head have to be slammed into the floor before there's drain bamage?  Well, it seems Jesse Ventura, former governor and professional wrestler, has had a few too many slams.  Jesse is exhibiting all the symptoms:  forgetfulness, feelings of inadequacy, feeling of paranoia; feelings of threats from strangers; and also a need for recognition and support from outsiders and bullies.
     We see that Jesse is now going abroad for some recognition.  Where you ask?  Why Jesse "The Governor" is going to everybody's favorite asylum- Russya under Putin.   He's going to guest host a radio/TV program dedicated to -what else? Fake news!   That's right.  RT or Russya Today will sponsor his appearances where he can pontificate about the crimes of Republicans and Democrats back in the Ol' USA.   Jesse is an independent, and not a bright one.   He's a typical show biz character whose salad days are long gone.  He's attempting, as so many of these has beens do, to resurrect his career when adoring fans through themselves at his very large feet.   He wants the limelight once again.   Yes, we know about you, Jesse.  But Russya?   Come on.  Edward Snowden and now you.?   Two of a kind?   Hardly.
      But this is the world we live in.  This is the world globalization wrought.  We are not done yet.  Maybe next we'll see Bette Midler take off for St. Petersburg/Stalingrad/ Petrograd for a little cultural exchange.  Fun.
     Have a nice day, Jesse the Dupe.

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