Thursday, December 5, 2013

Property Taxes Due: Again

      So, Dec. 10 is about 5 days away.  Still time to remit those saved dollars to the state/county beast.  Most will write the check, file the #2 tab from the statement(due April 10, 2014), and brief a sigh of relief until income tax time.   Maybe during the interim, those uninsured will go to and sign up for a medical insurance plan, or not(if you're under 30).
       I believe, as a responsible citizen, that it is imperative  that property owners-taxpayers- read the particulars listed on the bill.  here lies the proof that the bond issued, the districts funded, and the assorted other "good" causes are real financial concerns.   Here is the current list of payments due on this year's bills:
Prop 13: Gen Tax Levy     1%
Tahoe Bond 1993B
Tahoe Bond 1993A
Tahoe Bond SFID#2,99&02
Los Rios Coll Bond-2002
Los Rios Coll Bond-2008

519 CSA#3 MOsquito Prog.
554 Litter Abatement
566 CSA3 Ambulance W Shore
569 CSA3 W Shore Snow ZN  4
622 CSA10 Hse Hazard Waste
659 Tahoe Truckee Sch Dist
669 Meeks Bay Fire Dist Benefit
670 Meeks Bay Fire Meas R
686 Meeks Bay Fire Meas Z

These listed measures, bonds, etc. are pertinent to El Dorado County residents(property owners) and not ALL taxpayers.   Many West Shore properties are second homes, with owners splitting time between Tahoe and other locations. 
       Ask yourself:"Why is it so expensive to live in Tahoe?  Now, look over the list.   All the listed payments were voted on by local residents, in essence, voting to make it more expensive to live in Tahoe.   Didn't vote on any of these?  You're either a newcomer, a non-voting visitor, or someone who chooses to let others decide how expensive it will be to live here, or you didn't register to vote.  Hopefully, you're not in this last category.
          Don't forget- no grace period and penalty assessment is 10%.   In the old days, folks would accept the penalty, maybe 3%, and put the money out at 8-12%.   No more.

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