Monday, January 6, 2025

Former Mayor Held in Contempt

      The former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, was held in contempt of court by a federal judge for repeated obstruction and failure to provide personal property details necessary to pay the $148 millions owded to two poll workers that he defamed after thge results of the 2020 election when DJT claimed he won and Joe Biden lost. Judge Liman stated that he will decide the appropriate action which could include jail time unless the 80 year old former chief executive of NYC.

      There are few mfolks who have any sympathy for this former federal prosecutor who knows the law. He has gone "rogue' in his attempt to curry favor with president elect DJT. As his former legal counsel, Mr. Giuliani has felt that he is untouchable. However, the courts have not agreed. His world is crashing down around him but the poor sap won't acknowledge the situation in any manner that makes good sense. He is obviously deranged; he lives in a fantasy world of his own creation that he cannot escape from on hios own. Sad. ? No, not really; he is the same as he has always been: sleaze bag extraordinaire; lawyer who thinks the law and its mandates is for chumps, not him. Get ready for a 10'X 10' cell, Rudy. Maybe it won't be as cold as Siberia, but it won't be Florida.

   Too bad for you, Rudy. At 80 years old, a very sad case indeed.

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