Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Who Was the Helicopter Pilot During Trumpie's Flight

       Well, now. The bubbling former president has made up a new humorous account of a ride in a helicopter in California a few years ago. In addition to the pilot, there were some other passengers. Hmmmm. If I was on a private helicopter flight, I believe I would remember the few others who shared my experience. However, Trumpie claims that a Mr. Willie Brown was on board the flight that ultimately made an emergency landing because of a mechanical problem. Shortly after making this statement publicly, Mr. Brown declared he had never taken a ride anywhere anytime with the Orange-haired Baboon. Then Mr. Brown added that he would sue the former chief executive if he even mentioned Mr. Brown's name in public anymore. Hmmm. Pretty harsh, even for a 90 year old former San Francisco mayor.

       Then another politician said that he took a helicopter ride with Trumpie. Also, he, too, is a Black man. Is trumpie confused or senile? Can Trumpie remember significant events anymore? Can he speak about anything with clarity?  Hmmm. Can he run a campaign against a competent opponent? It certainly looks like The former Felon -in-Chief has memory issues. If I crashed landed in a helicopter, I would remember all the details.  But Orange Hair can't remember even the largest details. Very sad, but is not uncommon among 78 year old, old, old men.

     Republican party officials have pretty much given up on trying to contain the Big Mouth. Good luck for the remainder of the election cycle.

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