Saturday, April 6, 2024

Governor Newsom's California

     So, Gov. Gruesom is having some issues. Business folks are actively rebelling against the Sacramento Solons, that super -majority group of outrageous Democratic spenders who are upset that the citizenry is yelling: ENOUGH, Enough. We can't take it anymore. We pay more taxes than almost every state in the union excepting those spendthrift New England states.

      California is facing a deficit, a large deficit to the tune of $70 billions of dollars. No rainy day fund will plug the gap. New taxes will not plug the gap unless every man, woman and child coughs up more-hard earned dollars. How did this happen? The usual way: out spending dollars that the state wrongly expected based on faulty budgeting.

     So, businesses are going on the ballot with a measure to change the method of approving local taxes, a method cities and counties were using to add local taxes. Now Newsom is asking the State Supreme Court to withdraw a ballot measure that would alter the amount of votes needed to add a tax. This confrontation was almost inevitable as the Super Majority Legislature knows no bounds in raising taxes in any and every way. Californians pay, and pay, and pay some more.  As recently as Monday of this week, a minimum wage increase raised the hourly wage in fast food restaurants to $20./hour. This will force many small businesses to compete for workers with national chains required to pay this rate. It was a labor issue that was poorly thought out by the aides in Sacarmento.

     Income taxes will be paid shortly and along with the IRS, the State Franchise Tax Board, the state tax agency, will be sharply watching the returns as they arrive in the capitol city. Woe the middle class worker who thought he was "middle class"-now, they are the targeted payers as the rich evade all taxes everywhere, including California. Add to this the state gasoline sales tax-$.58/gal, and the sales tax 8-9%, and the income tax +12-13%. Now more people are leaving the state, especially retirees.

    Is there hope for California? No, not as long as Governor Greusom is in the seat as leader of the former "golden" state.

Have a nice day.

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