Friday, September 30, 2022

Putin Rant Declares Ukraine East as Russyan Territory

       Bombast over DonBass is what I call the latest Kremlin provocation. The Little KGB colonel announced that with the "elections" over, the locals in the DonBass region of Ukraine are now "Russyans Forever". This is akin to Mexico declaring Texas is now part of the State of Chihuahua, Mexico. Or Canada declaring the State of Washington is now part of British Columbia. Or New Jersey declaring that New York is now New Jersey. You get it. The Mad Men of the Kremlin are looking more and more like those they often rail against: NAZIs!.

       The West has been treated to news from Russya that demonstrates that Putin is losing his grip. As his security operation, as he calls it, in Ukraine continues to falter, the consequences at home are starting to pile up. Military recruiting has begun to look like an impressment operation against the poor villagers in the Siberian hinterlands. Attacks have occurred at recruiting centers. Eligibles are fleeing the country in droves, stacking up at the borders, creating embarassing photos. My, my. The two spokesmen, Lavrov and Peskov(Curly and Moe), are losing sleep as they create "spin" control of the Kremlin's statements to the world.

       So, President Zolensky of Kyiv petitions the West for continued support as he deals with the existential crisis in his country. The U.S. Congress passed a new law that includes an additional $12.3 billions in military aid to his country. It's the least we can do. Yes, sure, it's a proxy war(remember Vietnam? Iraq? Afghanistan?). Hmmm and Korea,too? Sad that such a situation exists but the alternative- a world war- is not a modern option. Soon, Ol'Man Putin will age out and his sad constituents will move on, sell off Siberia to China, take the money and run.

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