Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Tax Return Privacy Questions

        American media love to poke at the ultra rich.  The media we all know loves to chronicle the lives of the rich and famous: it's such a good way to stir the masses in many different directions.  So, yesterday, ProPublica released information it was given by an unnamed source that included data showing which 1 percenters paid income taxes, which paid none, and which paid a piddling amount.  So much for much-touted privacy of your income tax returns.

      The Mayor of Tahoma has not released his tax returns and has no plans to do so.  That is private information and will remain so.   Have no fear, a leaker is not looking into my taxes, paid or unpaid.  But Jeff Bezos, who recently announced that he will fly into space next month on one of his space missions from HIS company:  Blue.   Or Carl Icahn, paid nothing.  We already know about the Loser-in-Chief Donald: he paid a token amount.   What about the hundreds of thousands of other billionaires/millionaires?   Maybe the list will be published today.   If my name or your name is among those llisted, we'll know its "Fake News".

       Clearly, Pres. Joe Biden will be asking Congress to address this inequality.  Bring back something, anything that will restore confidence among workers who see almost 100% of their wage improvements go to pay their tax bills.

      It's not fair to any of us.

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