Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Navalny Taken to Harsh Prison

Well, leave it to the Kremlin to screw things up again. It's bad enough that the Chief Putz ecided to arrest Navalny, conduct a "SHOW" trial, and then convict him of violating his "parole" conditions while in hospital in Berlin recovering from a Kremlin-ordered assassination attempt. Save for the quick thinking pilot of the plane returning Navalny to Moscova from Siberia, he would be long dead. As described by those familiar with the inhumane treatment of prisoners throughout Russya, the conditions inside these hell holes borders on outright torture. As an example, the system inside the prison has a parallel control unit besides the penal officials onsite. These are other prisoners who form gangs or collective "enforcers" who do the dirty work for the state: when one needs a shave, one cannot do it for yourself-the process is conducted by a member of the inside gang member. Needless to say, the results speak for themselves: while waiting for ther process to be completed, the prisoner/victim endures the taunts of the barber who at any moment could inflict a fatal slice across the throat. Most often, the barber gets a little "careless"; nicks, scrapes, and cuts usually result in minor wounds that tend to bleed profusely(facial conditions). It's a throwback to the years of 1937 when Joe the Murderer was in charge of all extermination orders that filtered down from the Kremlin where Dirty Joe conducted his mass paranoia activities. Ww know millions upon millions of innocents died as a rtesult across the former U.S.S.R.-the largest country in the world. The new American administration headed by Joe Biden, will be looking closely at all actions of Putin's Kremlin. Large sanctions continue in place as a result of Putin's annexation of the Crimea in 2014. The Ukrainian war is still a hot war, and still denied by the Kremlin. In Syria, Russyan troops continue their effort to undermine Western efforts to remove Assad and his regime. Putin continues to push his retrograde programs in hopes of turning the clock back. Many have tried, few have succeeded. He will add to the total of those who have failed in those efforts. meanwhile, Mr. navalny will endure tortue in a Russyan prison. Be brave Alexsei.

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