Thursday, October 15, 2020

Goodbye Donald Trump

      Well, sports fans, it appears with more certainty than ever than the human detritus collected in the White House will be sent packing in less than 3 weeks.   Thank the stars and heavens, this "plague" on America will be departing soon.  Adding insult to injury, this incomparable buffoon, now touts herd immunity as the solution to the Coronavirus pandemic in the country.  Dr. Anthony Fauci calls this policy absurd, and for Trump to espouse this path is ridiculous.   And that is true.

Sunset on Trump's Administration

       A new national poll has candidate Joe Biden in the lead by more than 11 points ahead of Mr. Trump.  This is good news for all Americans, even those deplorables who have been fooled by his rhetoric and those pronouncements by the fools in the Republican Party.   Pathetic supporters in Congress such as Mitch McConnell, continue to shy away from criticism of POTUS.  Amidst the vagaries of the impending election(s) on November 3rd, Trump and the Republicans continue to rant against perceived demons; continue to fire broadsides at the mail-in balloting that is a help to those with concerns about the current surge in the spread of the coronavirus.  Health is their concern, but voting is a close second.   

      The Biden campaign is spending great amounts of dollars on ads in key states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona.   Congressional seats are also in the mix and are considered primed for a party switch that will alter the numbers in the Senate and give the Democrats a majority in both houses.  With Biden/Harris in the White House, big changes are coming, but it will take more than 4 years to change many of Trump's policies enacted over the past 3 + years.

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