Monday, December 2, 2019


former bromancers
     Well, it had to happen, didn't it?  The Bromance of the century:  V.V. Putin and Xi JP.  There they are, cavorting together while signing off on a "BIG" deal.  Even a deal the best "Deal Maker" would be jealous of.  But the BIg Deal maker is too busy right now trying to figure out the next move of Jerry Nadler and company in the House.
     Vova, as he is known to his peeps, has cemented a great deal with his populous southern neighbor, home to 1.4 billions of humans, counting those pesky Uyghurs and those peskier Tibetans.  That's a lot of mouths to feed, even for a tried and true blue Communist.  So, the Chinese government wants to ensure they have enough natural gas to power up the heaters and fuel the cookers so those billions won't get cold and hungry during the long Chinese winters, especially in Tibet(avg. elev. 12000'). Cold up there.  The Chinese need reliable sources of energy.  Russya has plenty-just ask them.  So, a large pipeline was constructed by both parties.  Oh, the financials?  No doubt a loan from Beijing at about 5 1/2 % would be about it.   It took awhile to put it all together and now they celebrate.

      Hand shakes, hugs, toasts(vodka provided by Kremlin).  Turn on the valves, and viola! Energy-clean burning methane or natural gas.  Not that ugly, terrible coal that is soooooooooopolluting.  have you seen the AQI for Chengdu?  Check it out.  Not very breathable these days.  Seems like it happens every winter.
     But, Russya needs the business, and is more than happy to help out his southern Bro.  Long live VOVA.
I like big pussy cats but not Pussy Riots

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