Friday, May 25, 2018

Privacy Day in Europe

   So, Mr. Zuckerberg sits with Mr. Macron.  Mr. Zuckerberg has been doing a bit of globetrotting of late in an attempt to defend his company and its business practices, ie. the collection and sale of users private data.  The EU, more aware and more concerned with privacy than the US, has put all tech companies and all internet users under new EU laws regulating the collection of user data.  Companies have alerted regulators that this will take more time than they had planned for to implement changes.   Mr. Macron also injected a strong inclination to add taxes on the large tech companies to pay for the collection and sale of citizens personal data.  This adds new thinking to the idea that FaceBook, Google, etc. will start dealings with a new, more level landscape.  Amazon is also figured in the mix, as is UBER, LYFT, and other rideshare/bikeshare companies.  No one is sure how this all will playout.  But, it starts today.
     Are you a blogger?  Do you send yourn thoughts around the globe?  Are some of yourn readers/followers in the EU?  Well, then, if so, you are subject to EU regulators control with the GDPR privacy act.  Have you read it?  Do you understand it?  Do you know what penalties you will face for violations?  There's a lot of unknowns in this area of regulation and the courts will no doubt discern  those grey areas that are subject to interpretation.
     Many thinkers predicted we would get to this point: as the internet has taken over most folks on the planet, and most of the data collected on individuals is used in ways undreamed of just a few years ago.   Mr. Zuckerberg would not have thought of this 10 years ago while he was growing his empire.  Now it's different.  Good luck to the EU in its attempt to rein in the super collectors.

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