Sunday, October 29, 2017

The End of Fall: 2017

    The latest weather forecast call for : S-N-O-W.   Yes, the white stuff is predicted to fall next weekend, Sunday to be exact.   So, my friends, time for your checklist to be dusted off for the winter season.
1. propane tank full to 80%
2. firewood laid up, covered, accessible (at least 2 cords)
3. portable lighting appliances w/ extra batteries
4. generator fuel as req'd(diesel, kerosene, gasoline)
5. portable radios(2)
6. first aid kit well stocked
7. cell phone in good shape w/ charger
8. vehicle(s) serviced: include proper winter tires
9. packaged food stuffs, dry goods type, frozen foods
10. extra warm clothes, blankets, sleeping bags
11. emergency phone list
12.  emergency services contact number
13. pet food for animal(s)
14. know your nearest permanent resident neighbor and contact info for same

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