Thursday, November 10, 2016

Our Minister in Brasilia

Yesterday: The Lake at the Shoulder Season w/ Mt. Lyell-3pm
      Our Minister of Latin American Affairs is on the road again.  He was dispatched to the capitol of Brazil, Brasilia, last week, to conduct meetings with federal representatives.  His mission: to explain Donald Trump to an audience that cannot grasp the possible election of a political neophyte to run the largest economy in the world and one of the most populous Western nations.  It won't be easy.
     He has been to Brasilia many times, and while it is a relatively new city, access is difficult given its location far from the east coast where most Brazilians live(in Rio State).
     This week, he will be going to Argentina to take the pulse of that country.   It is now almost summertime in the southern hemisphere, and our minister has to cope with raising temperatures and a vacation-minded population.
     Not easy.  Updates to follow as he forwards dispatches home to Tahoma and Tahoe's West Shore.

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