Saturday, December 31, 2016

American Hockey team Deals Loss to Russyan Team

   In a stunning upset, American hockey players slammed the Russyan team in a strong 3-2 victory.  The Russyan team walked into the match fully expecting a win against their American opponents.  However, the scrappy boys from North America had other ideas.
     When the match ended, the victory went to the Stars and Stripes.  Now, most Russyan players think their future will be in the gulag in Siberia.  Nobody likes a loser, especially Russyans, despite their own problems with losing and using drugs to ramp up performances on the world stage.   Well, now they have lost in hockey, an area they formerly stood alone around the world.  Now, they must be content with the brand: L-O-S-E-R.

Vermont Finds Russyan Malware

      A Vermont electric utility company announced that company employees have found Russyan malware on a computer used to monitor company activity.  The utility claims that the malware did not affect the operation of their grid connections; but only was found on an employee's computer.  An investigation is underway to find how this malware, or spyware, was planted on the computer.
More to follow.

Turks Release WSJ Reporter

      In its continuing campaign against the media, Turkish thugs kidnapped an American reporter working for the Wall Street Journal.   The thugs confined the reporter without conveniences or contact with representatives of family or State Dept. officials.  This is one more sign that president Cowchip Erdogan is doing his best to be identified as a ruthless dictator bent on maintaining power at all costs.  Typical.  And people wonder why Islam is under worldwide scrutiny.
     More than a few such examples provide sufficient evidence that suspicions are justified in finding that followers of Islam have an agenda contrary to the rest of the civilized world.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Obama Sends Christmas Message to Kremlin

     Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin,
      Greetings to you and your extended Russyan family, such as it is.  The holiday season is in full swing here and there, as the case may be.  As you know, my days as POTUS  are numbered, down to a few weeks or so.  So, as part of my ongoing efforts to bring peace and joy to the world, I've decided to impose sanctions on you and your country for various and sundry issues, all of which have been explained by the NY Times and other publications here and abroad.   Most of the agents who have been named to be repatriated to the Steppes you know well, without exception.   We've tolerated them as a gesture of our magnanimous attitude toward all foreigners, no matter their origin.   Now, things are different.  Your behavior has been deviant from the recent past, but not out of character, generally.   As a result, we are sending this message in the form of expulsion with other attachments, most of which will be secret, and applied secretly over time.  My successor, Mr. Trump, may have other plans, but those are unknown.  Good luck with him, and good luck with that.
        I hope you enjoy the rest of the season.   Peace be with you,
My best,

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winter Holiday: Welcome Visitors

      The crowds have arrived on the West Shore.  Parking lots are full, lines are forming as we write, and the weather is excellent.  It is the stuff of dreams.  Locals always keep their fingers crossed as we approach Christmas, and this year, 2016, our collective luck has held: folks can make the drive w/o the perils of a storm.   Reservations were kept and guests arrived full of enthusiasm and good spirits.
Have fun, and drive safely.

Brazil-Odebrecht-Corruption-Latin America

      Just when you thought it was safe to go into the water........And now this.  Well, sports fans and other game watchers, Wilma is gone and Lula has been indicted.   The "Car Wash" investigation marches on in South America's largest economy or what's left of it.   Looks like the DOJ has done some excellent work regarding bribery in the neighborhood of Brazil.  The construction giant Odebrecht has been exposed for what it really is: a money machine for the leadership of many countries in Latin America, or more to the point, a cash cow for the leadership of the company and the political machines of those countries with which it has contracts, or what appear to be contracts.
      Over the last 10 years, the company has paid bribes to the tune of $800 millions, as in $800 million.   Hmmm. Sounds corrupt to me.   Now, Mr. Marcelo Odebrecht has admitted wrong doing, ie., paying bribes, in a plea deal so that he doesn't spend his life in jail.   A subsidiary, Braskem, a petrochemical giant, has also been implicated and will pay.   Where does it all end?  Nobody knows, but if one is to "drain the swamp", one has to dig deep into the muck before there's any possibility of making the drainage work.   The legal beagles of the DOJ know their business and have put the sunlight on the vast network of corruption which has helped to ruin many economic ventures in public infrastructure: huge projects that are never completed, projects that have huge cost overruns, and private individuals enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers and local governments.
      It is ugly, but it gives the rest of us hope that the future just might improve for millions of citizens who wish an end to the stigma of corruption in their midst.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Ministers Arrive: Hold Last Meeting of 2016

      High Sierra weather held fine and most of our ministers were able to make the mid-holiday gathering in Tahoma.   The gathering in downtown Tahoma was a festive affair in keeping with the season.   Our meeting gave the crew a chance to catch up on all forms of information since media is making news everywhere(tweets, blogs, snaps, TED's, etc).
      Our Minister of Aviation captured much attention as she discussed the aviation scene with its two large, fatal crashes(Russya and Colombia).   Russyan aviation officials have grounded all Sukhoi aircraft of the model that crashed.   Investigators have identified metal fatigue in the structural frame as a component contributing to the crash.  In Colombia, officials have detained the owners of the charter airline involved with the fatal crash that killed a Brazilian football/soccer club.   The plane ran out of fuel before the crash.   Flight controllers are also being investigated.   Not a good week in aviation.
More reports to follow
      The Minister of Aviation also discussed the new Walter Extra plane that is powered by an electric engine.   It set a climb record for a plane its size and weight using a new battery-powered electric motor.  Very impressive.
      The Minister of Manufacturing reported on the progress of the project in SoCal that is creating the largest hydraulic press in the USA: a monster that will be capable of pressing metal with 60,000 tons of direct pressure.  That's correct: 60K tons.  Components for the actual machine are being made near Cologne, Germany.  Completion is scheduled for early 2018.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Bankers Christmas: 2016

Jes Staley-See You in Court
       Well folks, if you follow the banking sector of finance, you've been busy this week keeping abreast of developments.  Many of the largest institutions announced settlements with the DOJ over their misdeeds related to the financial crisis of 2008 brought on by their involvement with mortgage-backed securities that weren't worth anything at all.  Here's the list:

Bank Announced Total Fine (billions) Consumer Relief
Credit Suisse December 2016 $5.3 $2.8
Douche Bank December 2016 $7.2 $4.1
Bank of America August 2014 $16.7 $7.0
Citigroup July 2014 $7.0 $2.5
J.P. Mogran November 2013 $13.0 $4.0
Goldman Sachs April 2016 $5.1 $1.8

     Who's conspicuously absent?   Why, that would be your friends at the UK's 2nd largest bank, Barclays.   And why is this happening?   Well, the Barclay's chief, Jes Staley, the former American banker, has decided to push back against DOJ demands.  He's going to court.   Can you imagine the chutzpah of this buffoon?  He thinks it's business as usual among bankers and regulators.  Typical American.  His thinking is out of step with his peers.   He will get a smack down and the Barclay's board will dump his butt for somebody less aggressive in the present situation.  Ahh, bankers.  Gotta lov'em.   There's no end to their conniving and lack of concern for their customers.  The reason: too much money.   They really have no concept of what their role is in any one economy.
More later.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Italian Police Eliminate Tunisian Terrorist

     Italian Federal Police got into a shootout with wanted terrorist who was being sought by authorities across Europe.   The armed murderer was discovered near the northern city of Milan.  After being surrounded he decided that a shoot out would serve his wishes of suicide best.  Italian police decided that he was not worth saving and proceeded to send him on without further adieu.   Final details will emerge after police finish their investigation into the incident.  Germans who were seeking this man are pleased that the search has ended and the man will no longer pose a threat anymore, anywhere.
      The Italians are familiar with the man after he was held in a local prison for 4 years after he set a fire in a refugee camp upon his arrival almost 5 years ago.  The disaffected young man displayed a shocking disregard for human life while hiding under the tunic of Islam.   Security officials admit there might be as many as 500 of his type among recently arrived asylum seekers and refugees.   Angela Merkel and other European leaders have their work cut out for them as they attempt to calm the rattled populations of the Continent.

Minister Arrives in Tahoma

      Our Minister of Latin American Affairs has landed in Tahoma for a brief stay.  He will provide information on the latest developments down south.  Among the many topics will be the situation in Venezuela where the country sits on the edge of complete economic collapse as a result of gross mismanagement by President Maduro and his incompetent staff.  Also the situation in Brazil will be explained in depth as that country deals with post impeachment issues related to former Presidents Wilma Rousseff, and Luis Ignacio Lula di Silva who was recently indicted.   The situation in Colombia will be examined and reported on as the peace settlement with FARC rebels moves ahead.
Lots to talk  about over these Christmas holidays.   More to follow soon.
     A little bit of snow has fallen in 24 hours and more may be added over the weekend.
Drive safely; remain calm.

Ponzi Scheme: Again

       Platinum partners: has a nice ring to it.   If it's made of platinum, it must be good.  So, the DOJ arrested the founder of Platinum Partners Hedge Fund and charged him with running a Ponzi Scheme, the largest since the notorious Ponzi of Ponzi Fundsters, Bernie Madoff, made off with about $8 billions of other peoples money.   With all the regulations out there concerning investments and oversight, it would be hard to pull this off.  But, no, it is still possible to accomplish.   But, we are talking only a billion dollars.
       On Monday, 6 partners were arrested and charged with faking the firm's investment performance.  Mark Nordlicht, the chief investment officer was among the 6 held.   Investigatrs were also looking into the relationship between them and Murray Huberfeld and Israel Englander, head of $34 billion hedge fund Millennium Management.  Also being investigated is Beechwood Re,  a Bermuda reinsurer, two thirds of which is owned by---------Platinum Partners.
      So, some high fliers have had their wings clipped, again.   Mr. Nordlicht was an investment manager with another well known Wall St. firm until he decided he was smarter than the company he worked for.  Oh, well.  High finance-not without pitfalls for some players and investors.  Seems like there are more risks in management than in investment vehicles.
      We'll have to see how many of these fraudsters go to jail.  Mr. Nordlicht will probably get 20 years as a starter.  maybe he and Bernie can talk of the "good old" days together at their new home.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Russyan Ambassador Assassinated in Ankara

       Diplomats around the world cringed at the news of the murder of one of their own in Turkey yesterday.   Russyan Ambassador to Turkey, Andrey Karlov, was murdered by an off duty Turkish policeman as he spoke at an art gallery opening in Ankara.  The murderer was then given his wish as he was eliminated by security officers.
      Allegedly, the Turk shouted statements regarding Russyan actions in Syria and in particular, Aleppo.   Reports indicate the man was an Islamist.
    We extend condolences  to Mr. Karlov's family.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Trump in 2000

Recognize Anybody?
      What was going on in the early months of the year 2000 with Mr. Trump?  Well, sports fans, let me direct you to a fine book by a fine reporter. Fly Fishing with Darth Vader, by Matt Labash.(Simon & Schuster, 2010.)  As a reporter, Mr. Labash got around America.  He interviewed many a noted citizen and many a notorious citizen.  Included among the "personalities" found in the collection are Roger Stone, Marion Barry, Al Sharpton, the late Christopher Hitchens, Dick Cheney,  George South(who?), and best of all: Donald Trump.  Yes, the president-elect.  He found time to roll through a hapless campaign for president as a 3rd Party candidate: the Reform Party candidate.  Huh?  Yes, sports fans, the Donald, eh, the president-elect, had focused his brief attention on the White House as far back as 2000.   Remarkable?  Well, maybe not.
      Reading this chapter, in light of the results of the November election, puts the information in an entirely new light.  At the time, his now wife and future first lady, were only going steady.  She the Slovenian beauty with the long legs and distinct accent.   His children were not evident, no doubt focusing on career work and private lives removed from media attention.  The excerpts of conversations, quips, and anecdotes sounds as though they were spoken last week, not 16 years ago.  I'm sad to report: nothing has changed with Mr. Trump.  He was the Donald then, and he is still The Donald.
     The chapter on the Donald is entitled 'Trump on the Stump".  It starts on pg. 233.  It covers only 8 pages, and that's enough.  You'll learn more than you want to about Mr. Trump, Whoopie Goldberg, and Melania.   I recommend reading it.  I'm sure it's available as folks dust off the cover of this timely reportage from 16 years ago(pub. in 2010).

Mr. Putin Vis-a Vis Mr. Abe

     So, the Black Belt judoka goes to the No. 1 judo studio in japan, a guest pf Prime Minister Abe.  Mr. Putin is on a short state visit, only 2 days, hardly enough time to drink a cup of jasmine tea or sake, as the case may be.  The discussion focused on trade; really?  Maybe it was more about fishing rights; or maybe more about trading with China, the dragon just south of Siberia and a little west of the Home Islands.  Or, as some pundits wrote, the issue of the Northern territories was broached.  (Northern territories is the japanese reference to the southern 4 Kurile Islands which were seixed and occupied by Russyan troops at the very end of WW II, a distinct breech of Allied agreements of the time.   However, Russyan has made it known that they consider the islands part of the Russyan mainline.  Good luck convincing the former KGB officer that these islands should revert to Japanese control.
      Apparently, no formal agreements were achieved during their brief discussions; but the meeting did punctuate a message to China that Russya will be a question no matter how China views the relationship now and in the future.  Interestingly, a Chinese naval vessel, shadowing a US research vessel in international waters, seized a submersible data collector(drone) and refused to return the machine to its rightful owners.  So, here we have a small, but significant effort by the Chinese government to tell the world that they are playing a new position on the global field.  Maybe they are smarting from Obama's imposition of significant tariffs on Chinese-made steel products, or the likely hood of new tariffs on Chinese -made aluminum products(even though they are shipped through Vietnam and Mexico).
      But, it's great to see to world leaders conversing over tea and almond cakes.  Maybe they exchanged gifts: Sony TV for Russyan sable fur coat.  Nice.

Obama Outs Putin

   In a widely spread announcement, President Obama stated that it is "highly likely" that Russyan President Putin gave the go ahead to cyberattacks on various US political entities in hopes of affecting the outcome of the November election.
      He stated that a response will happen at a time and place of US choosing, but it is appropriate to notify the international media that Russya is not what it seems to be.  This comes on the heels of US Secretary of State John kerry's statements this week that the destruction of property in Syria by Ruusyan-backed forces amounts to violation of all international laws and is nothing more than the wholesale murder of civilians by the Assad Regime.   Innocent civilians are being targeted and terrorized as a matter of policy and strategy despite criticism from international organizations(EU, UN, NATO, etc.).
     Sadly, the Russyan population are being misinformed by Kremlinistas who continue to point fingers at the West.  The citizens of Russya are again being victimized by their own leaders as they are fed a constant stream of lies and falsehoods coming from the bowels of Moskova.
     It's business as usual for the Kremlin, as it tries to sway public opinion away from the nefarious dees perpetrated on the world scene(Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Lithuania, USA).
      Happy Christmas

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Snow in Tahoma

      Skiers: man your skis; and women, too.  The big snow has arrived.  Slopes are getting a new blanket as we speak.  This bodes well for Christmas week, when many skiers are involved in family events elsewhere.  Smart skiers are already waxing the boards for good powder, which is being added by the minute.
      Resorts have bulked up with staff in anticipation of big crowds.  Of course, an untimely weather event could upset any plans but, we are hopeful, given the snow on the ground and weather forecasts this week and next week.
Be safe, change your tires.

Wells Fargo: Again

      Well, sports fans, Wells Fargo has been called on the carpet again.   Among other things required by the Dodd-Frank Financial stability rule book, banks that are "Too Big to Fail"(are systemic threats due to size) must provide proof of their ability to remain solvent in the event of downturn(severe) in the economy.   This means that banks have to have more capital on hand(liquid assets) to maintain stability in crisis.
       Banks don't like this requirement one bit.   They want as much capital working as possible, which means more profits (maybe).   So, the COC(Comptroller of the Currency) exams these large banks to see if they are meeting levels necessary.  Upon a recent review, Wells Fargo failed the "test".  Not so good.  This clearly demonstrates institutional pushback or a 'thumbing of the nose' to the COC.    Not too long ago, Wells was given a $185 million slap on the wrist for some other shenanigans(opening accounts for customers they didn't order or want).  This week, it was also revealed that Prudential Insurance was selling policies through Wells without authorization or request.   Customers complained; whistle blowers were fired, and headlines were printed.  Something has gone wrong in corporate America and it starts with banks/bankers.  Their thinking about money has been corrupted.  They've had it too good too long.   Witness the reaction to the Fed's increase of interest rates yesterday:  banks raised their prime rate the day before:Wednesday, Dec. 14.  And interest paid on deposits: stays the same-almost zero.  The banks think this is good business.  Makes sense if your idea of profit is profit at any cost, damn the neighborhood and retail customers.   Modern corporate banking has abandoned customers who have collectively become numbers in a data base, not someone whose hand you must shake or who you might have to provide a loan or who might have a financial setback requiring a loan rate reset.
      Banking has become an arm of government with the usual results: bureaucratic inertia protected by volumes of laws and regulations even the bureaucrats don't understand.
     The President-elect says he knows more about finance than anybody.  Might this knowledge be put to good use for the customers who have been shouldering the load of the financial climb back to solvency?   Time will tell; but until we see banks pay real interest on deposits, nothing much will flow to Mom and Pop.

Monday, December 12, 2016

New Government to Begin in ---------Italy

Surprise, surprise.   President Matarella of Italy announced that he will request the Foreign Minister of Italy to form a new government to take over from Matteo Renzi who resigned as Prime Minister on Friday last.  This will hardly cause a ripple in the country as this will be government number 68 of the post war era.  Mr. Renzi was not able to convince voters that a structural change in the composition of the Parliament would benefit the entire population.  His message was drowned out by populists of the 5 Star Party and he was also opposed by old Slick Dog Berlesconi.
      Consequently, the media will jump in on the merry-go-round as the all-to- familiar drill plays out until the next election cycle of 2017.   Has anybody mentioned the costs?
      It's a sad state of affairs given the precarious situation among Italian banks, many of which are teetering on the brink of dissolution.   The residents of Siena in Tuscany are especially distressed as their namesake bank is identified as the worst in Europe.  Who received all the loans given out by the local bankers?  What businesses failed, leading to the bad loans?   Let's follow the $$$$$/EEEEEuro.
More on this later.
    Good luck to all our Italian brothers and sisters, as they have their morning espresso and contemplate a dismal Christmas season.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Minister Gets Wet in South Atlantic

     So, our indefatigable Minister of Latin American Affairs continues his "dive" into Latin American culture.  He decided, some months ago, to join a group of friends in a little open water event on the coast near Sao Paolo.  The event was an open water race that covered a course about 2 kilometers long.   Conditions were supposed to be good: calm waters, little to no swells, and negligible tidal action.  Well, then there's race day and reality: windy, choppy waters, and some tidal action.  Oh, well.  We're here-let's go for it.  Splash.
      47 minutes later, our Minister emerged from the drink: tired, happy, content with his place among the other 1500 swimmers.   Quite a show.    He lamented his lack of placement, but recognized his own lack of training time over the last 6 weeks due to his busy schedule and demands for things Tahoma.
    Now he has pledged to improve next time.  In April, 2017, there's another contest.  He promises to be in better condition.
    Bravo, Mr. Minister.
(fotos to follow).

Saturday, December 10, 2016

From Kaliningrad to Kamchatka: a Pall

      President Obama's house organ, the new York TIMES, splashed the front page with a very sad story, very sad story: Russyan doping affected 1,000 athletes.  Are there 1000 athletes who speak Russyan?  W.A.D.A. has made a case for this announcement.   In a just released report, the anti-drugging watchdog agency claims that the problem was more widespread than originally thought.   Hmmmm.  What does this mean?   Table salt has been named in one area as an additive; and Nescafe' in another.   Both additives were used to mask urine samples taken from athletes.   The Russyan response: "This is more evidence of the hatred of Russya by the West".  Hmmmm.   How can this be so: most Americans(Westerners in general) have never heard of Russya, nor do they care.
     Could this be symptomatic of cultural bias?   Could this illustrate mental illness?  Could this indicate "mind control" or "brainwashing", two delightful F.S.B. methods?   What is still going on in the Donbass Region of Ukraine:  Nativity Scenes?  Perhaps the Kremlinistas will stop their focus on Cuba and get down to business.  The price of oil and OPEC meetings.   The rest is fluff.

Friday, December 9, 2016

Dancing at the Kremlin

       Reports are ricocheting off the walls that there's been lots of celebrating in Moskova(Kremlin).  Now the late news has included several facts that may be related:
1)  the Euro touched a low against the dollar not seen in 14 years
2) the Kremlinistas announced that part of  Rosneft(state oil conglomerate) has been sold for $18 billion(pocket change for the favored few of Mr. Putin's insiders
3) President -elect Trump has called on the CEO of Exxon to take a place in his administration.  He's an FOP-friend of Putin
4. The price of oil has jumped to $50/barrel, signaling a resurgence of prices favorable to the No.1 export product of the Kremlinistas
5.  Swiss bankers are bemoaning the loss of deposits from clients around the world, indicating less confidence in its system of private banking(money laundering)
6.  Syria is about to kick rebel forces out of Aleppo, once and for all; thereby removing a glaring PR problem for Mr. Putin
7. Magnus Carlsen kicked the Russyan bootie at the World Chess Championship.
       So, it appears everything is coming up roses as another severe winter begins to tighten its grip on the former USSR.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

John Glenn, American, 1921-2016, R.I.P.

     John Glenn, a former astronaut and U.S. Senator from the State of Ohio, passed away today.  After serving as a fighter pilot in WW II and again in the Korean War,   he was assigned to the new N.A.S.A. program for astronauts: those specially trained individuals who had the "right stuff".  Among other firsts, he was the first American to orbit the earth, a timely event that restored America's position in the space race.
      He also set a record for the fastest transcontinental flight, flying West to East in just over 3 hours.  His early career as a pilot was for the marines in WW II.   After the war, he transitioned into jet aircraft flying combat missions against North Korea, shooting down 3 MIG fighters.  On several missions, his wingman was the fabled American athlete, Ted Williams, who had been recalled to the Marines.  He, too, had transitioned into jet fighters.   On one occasion, Ted's aircraft was hit by enemy fire and he was able to struggle for control and returned to the landing field where he made a wheels-up landing without sustaining any serious injuries.   John Glenn called Ted Williams the greatest pilot he ever flew with and one of the best ever.
       As a Senator, he represented the people of Ohio for 24 years as one of the most respected members of the chamber.   At one point, he entered the race for the White House but did not advance beyond a primary.
       Upon retirement, he continued his effort to speak on behalf of efforts to explore the edge of outer space.   In 1998, N.A.S.A. invited him to go up with the space shuttle on a mission-at age 77!  It was a successful mission and helped researchers look into issues of aging in space.
     He lived a full life; defended his country and served the people of the world.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Klay Thompson, Golden State Warrior

      It was a big night for one of the Splash Brothers of Warriors.  Klay Thompson had a big night, scoring 60 points in 29 minutes.  He sat the 4th quarter, basking in the acclaim of all fans in attendance.   He seemed to be able to hit from anywhere anytime.   Almost all his shots went in.  His teammates fed the hot hand and he did not let them down, nailing one basket after another.
     It was a great night for Klay, the warriors, and the local fans. 

Pearl Harbor: 75 Years Later

      Japanese Prime Minister Abe is making his first visit to Hawaii to take part in memorial services to be held at Pearl Harbor, the scene of the surprise attack on the US Navy on Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941.
      It was the shock that brought America into WW II which had been raging in Europe and Asia for over 2 years.   Russia was fighting for its life against the Nazis after the invasion of that country in September, 1941.  France was already under the Nazi jack boot, and Great Britain was up against the wall.   It wouldn't take America too long to respond, given the storm clouds brewing over the world for several years.  The Japanese had been running amok in China for years, massacring innocent civilians on the whims of the soldiers.  Now the Imperial Navy stepped on a hornets nest and woke the Sleeping Giant.  Now, they would pay.  The tide began to turn at the Battle of Midway six months later in what was the first fleet action that did not include a face off of warships:  air power delivered the margins of victory with US Navy aircraft sinking 3 of 4 Japanese aircraft carriers at the cost of 1.
     The Japanese would be on the defensive for the rest of the war as the superior power of the US Navy  and almost unlimited resources spelled doom for the Imperial Navy.
      Few survivors are still living, but a few of the youngest cohort of participants will join veterans' groups to commemorate the attack and pay homage to those who lost their lives.  Over half the casualties died inside the hull of the battleship USS Arizona, which rests on the harbor bottom where it remains to this day.   Bunker fuel continues to seep to the surface in the vicinity of the hull, a subtle reminder of the sunken tomb.   Most of the other ships damaged and sunk were eventually re-floated and refitted to join the battle before the war ended.
Boxing Medal From USS Oklahoma found in effects of Mayor's Relative

                     It's a reminder of another era; no doubt, pre- WWII.
      We remember and we'll never forget Pearl Harbor.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Ciao, Signor Renzi

      Voters in Italy sent a message to Rome:  enough of the rhetoric-we want results, as long as they include more of the same assurances.  Mr. Renzi has vowed to resign.  His next move is to notify President Mattarella his timetable for his exit.  The economy of Italy will be the first to feel the effects of the election.   Banks will have to gear up for a further decline in the value of the Euro as it nears parity with the dollar, last seen almost 14 years ago.   For a number of years, the Euro traded below par with the $.  However, international bankers both here and in Europe decided that the Euro was a stronger currency.  That view will have to be revised.
     An interim government will be formed at the behest of the president.  The new, temporary Prime Minister will then announce a date for a new election.  Then, the fun begins again for Italians, those besieged voters who only hope for stability.  The Members of the EU staff in Brussels will try to parse the election results and how it will ultimately affect the EU.  Nobody knows, but many are in fear of more "Brexit"-type moves.   Could this be the end of the EU?  Possible.  But, cooler heads may prevail, especially in France and Germany.  Angela Merkel in Germany will have her work cut for her over the next few months.  Good Luck, Angela.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

60 Minutes Interviews Matteo Renzi of Italy

      The opening segment this past Sunday featured Italy and its young Premier, Matteo Renzi, the 41 year old leader of this Western European mainstay.   He revealed his position concerning this coming Sunday's referendum Election..   He has staked his political future on the outcome.  He hopes to change how politics is done on the peninsula.  He wants to reduce the number of senators in parliament in an attempt to reduce the roadblocks that exist to thwart legislation that is needed to push the economic growth of the nation.  Growth or lack there of has hampered all segments of the economy.  The banking sector stands out as the weak link of the entire economy.   Hundreds of millions of Euros in bad loans has weakened the banks ability to fund business expansion.  The ECB, managed by Italian Mario Draghi, has been doing all it can to promote business development and economic expansion without much success for the past 3 years.
     Matteo Renzi represents a significant change from business as usual in Italy.  At age 39, he was the youngest premier in Italy's history.  The former mayor of Florence rocketed to the top spot in record time.  Timing was on his side as unemployment rose and the ECB promoted austerity at all costs.  Wages were cut and businesses closed, putting people out of work from north to south.
     The election is Sunday.  The members of the EU await the outcome, knowing there is change in the wind.  (See UK and France and USA).   Will the populist approach find fertile ground in Italy?  The 5 Star MOvement is waiting in the wings.  This radical party of followers of Beppo Grillo the comedian hope to secure a large segment of Parliament.  Horrors.
We'll see.

Nancy Pelosi: Queen of the Infertile Coast

      So, birth rates are plummeting in the US among white residents.  Closer examination locates the low rate areas on both east coast and west coast.  Hmmm.   Aren't these the fortified bastions of liberal voters and constituents?  Yes, they are.  And where does the minority leader in the House, Mrs. Nancy Pelosi, hail from?  Why San Francisco, of course, the navel of Democratic One-Party leadership.   So, the 76 year old Grandmother will continue to dole out party favors to the Old Guard Dems who are still reeling from the November 8th setbacks at the polls across the fruited plain.  Absent the irascible Senator Harry Reid(1 more month), Nancy is the de facto leader of all Dems.
     A leadership challenger to Ms. Pelosi did so in a half-hearted attempt at change; but this was for show and not taken seriously by folks with brains.    Maybe she really is waiting for the electorate to swing back to the Dems, but it is more likely that she'll be sent home to Fog City long before that happens.  The voters wanted real change and they got it, come what may.   No more business/politics as usual, Thank you very much, Mr. Trump.   Hillary did not play her advantage well at all, and Ms. Pelosi hardly helped her cause.   Rarely was Grandma seen on the campaign trail: who wants that  support?  Not Hillary.   The Clintons will resort to speech making and tending the grandchild, and counting their ducats in the counting house at Chappaqua.
      The bigger problem facing the Dems, really, is the birth rate.  No kids= no votes.  Recent published figures indicate that Dems don't want families.  A survey of nationwide stats indicate very low or nonexistent replacement rates on both coasts.  Where the money/jobs are= no new children.  Hmmm.  Any chance of turning this around?   Not really: too much student debt, too much job insecurity; too much money; and too much narcissism.   Time will tell, but it doesn't look good for Dems.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Justin Trudeau: Laughing Stock of Western Hemisphere

      We could forgive him because of his relative youth; but we won't on that score or any other.  He 's the leader of  a modern democracy that enjoys excellent relations with its neighbor(s) to the south and the rest of the free world(note word -FREE).
     So, here we have this kid commenting on the passing of the Red Dictator Fidel Castro, architect of the imprisonment of a nation, CUBA.  Now we could go ahead and list the crimes of this modern day maniac, but they have been listed by others of late.  At the least, Mr. Trudeau should know better.  Why yes, Canadians have been visiting this island of no human rights for years; drinking rum, laying on the beach, hanging out in Old Havana as though nothing has changed since Batista's days before the Jesuit-trained Commie pushed the old order aside with promises of a "new" Democracy.
    Ha.  First thing the pirate did was execute 500 opponents and rivals.  "Up against the Wall" became a slogan of revolutionaries here, there and everywhere.  His band of cut-throat pirates even sent a few of their own up against the wall for even whispering dissent.  The lucky ones were sent to some hell hole prisons, like Guantanamo(Cuban version, only worse).   Even Fidel's protege, the murderous Che Guavera, the Argentinian pirate, took off from the island and went to Bolivia to try his version of Fidel's "revolution".  The Bolivians didn't appreciate his efforts and executed him in the jungle after he and his pirates were hunted down like so many dogs.
      So, now the Heritage Foundation will classify Mr. Trudeau as a "Pinko" and lower his rating to BBB-, or close to junk, where he belongs.  What an idiot!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cuba: The Wicked Witch is Dead

       At 90 years +, Fidel Castro has succumbed to Father Time, finally.   He leaves behind little Bro Raul, another follower of the Bolshevik Revolution that has died out worldwide excepting a few minor tyrannies.
     The Island of Cuba and its residents have been under the yoke of this failed system for almost 60 years.  That's a long time to live under constant threat of arrest and incarceration at the whim of a dictator.   But old Fidel managed to keep his myth alive by all the usual methods perfected in the Soviet Union during Stalin's rule and a few of his successors.   But eventually, the system crumbled.  In Cuba, despite its proximity to the Land of the North, 90 miles away, the Castro Brothers figured it out: give a little, lie a lot, and round up the dissenters right away.
     Now Cubans just have to wait for Little Bro to kick the bucket.  Shouldn't be too long, despite his rhetoric.   President Obama has reached out to the island, but little has been done to promote good will between countries.  Wary Raul doesn't want to bring down capitalism before Fidel is in the ground.   So, we will wait and see.
      Meanwhile, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Turkey President Lambasts EU

      Well it seems President Erdogan of Turkey is unhappy with recent announcements from Brussels and points West.  It appears that the coup attempt has unhinged this man, releasing all his demons.  He just recently(last Tuesday) fired 15,000 civil servants/gov. employees.  This follows various censorship moves, shutting down newspapers and shuttering media outlets.
      The former agreements to provide migrant control at the Turkish border appear to be in jeopardy.  Despite the EU's provision of E3 billion's to finance the effort, the Turkish government has made statements that this agreement is being reviewed.   All this political exchange underscores the ongoing Middle East quagmire as Russya steps up aerial bombing in the Syria city of Aleppo as the Assad regime attempts to drive out rebel forces.

Weather Front to Dump White Stuff

     Maybe it's not the ideal schedule, but come on-we need it.  The forecast for the rest of the weekend includes some serious snow mixed with some rain.  Word to the wise: if you have to get home before Monday morning-leave tonight.  That's right.  Do yourself and family and friends a favor, avoid the rush and the inevitable congestion on I- 80.  Well, maybe you don't care or you feel that the skiing will be great for the powder skis.
     Go ahead, gamble with your sanity.   This holiday weekend could set the tone for the entire winter ski season, including the Christmas holiday period.  The temps will hover around freezing, so there will be some slush and ice, both of which will contribute to difficult driving.  Postponed putting on snow tires?  Well, get smart: do it this morning before you can't/before you won't.  You owe it to your neighbors in Meeks Bay/Tahoma/Homewood.
    For the residents/permanents: enjoy the holiday and all those leftover turkey parts.  Make some soup.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Nicolas Maduro Gets a Message From US DOJ

     The trial of two relatives of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro came to an end last week with two convictions.   The 2 nephews of the president were both convicted on multiple counts of drug trafficking and conspiracy to sell and distribute drugs in the US.  Captured by US authorities, the 2 were brought to the States and held for trial.   They were caught before they were allowed to carry out their dirty deeds.   They assumed that they would be immune from prosecution because of their relation with the president.   However, they were wrong, and now they face decades in US prisons for their crimes.
     Welcome to the US and its system of justice which continues to work just fine, unlike that in most Latin American countries, including the brothers' home in Venezuela.
     Maybe President Maduro, who is having his own troubles, will come north for a visit to check up on the 2 young drug dealers.  Maybe not.

US Stocks Soar to New HIghs

      Just when you thought that the post-election period would lack positive news, the US stock market achieved a new record high.   Going north of 19000 brings gains to new limits as the country heads into the shopping season of the 4th quarter.   Fully 1/4 of the consumer spending in the country happens between now and Christmas, an impressive effort.   The possibility of an interest rate increase by the FED has spurred a positive attitude among investors(mostly institutional types, of course).   The IPO of Blackrock was also a boost to the market, bringing one of the largest investment vehicles into the public sector.
     So, how are your stocks doing?   Up for the year?   That is a question on the tongues of many, especially those who have self directed IRA's.  Many pension funds have also seen meager returns this year at a time when many were calculating long term results on a 7% avg. rate of return, something not seen in years.
     Post election uncertainty has not helped many consumers open their wallets, but Black Friday(tomorrow) might yield some good news.   We'll see.

NYT Calls For Obama to Name Russya Hacker

      In a widely read editorial by NYT staff, the newspaper calls for Pres. Obama to reiterate Russya's role in hacking into DNC systems before the election on November 8th.   The writer(s) state that a warning is insufficient to thwart further hacking activities by state-sponsored Russyan hackers.  Mr. Putin is the new Asian  leader of disruptive geopolitical tactics, as practiced in Crimea, Ukraine, Syria, and Kaliningrad, Russya.  Admiral Mike Rodgers,  the director of the National Security Agency said last week "  This was a conscious effort by a nation-state to attempt to achieve a specific effect."  Seems rather clear on its face what message he is sending to the Kremlin.   Of course, Mad Vlad will hardly notice, if at all.
      The second part calls for more action on part of pres. Obama.  To wit: revealing how the hacking was done and by whom; disclosure of Russyan computer codes;   embarrass wealthy Kremlin officials by exposing their overseas bank accounts; and disable Russyan networks.   He could also impose further sanctions on Russyans responsible for hacking and bombings of civilians in Syria.
     The U.S. Congress has called for an examination of US -Russyan relations including the role of hacking into election machinery.
     The conservative approach has been unsatifying to the American people and it appears that President Elect Trump is not ready to change Obama's current policies toward Russya.   We'll see what happens as more information is made public.

Monday, November 21, 2016

Italy: Election Looms in December

      The NY Times ran a feature article yesterday about the Italian banking situation, its precarious state of affairs, Matteo Renzi-the Prime Minister, and the effects of a weak economy in an already weakened EU economy.   Mr. Renzi has placed his political future on an election that is just weeks away.  It is essentially a referendum on his government and his attempt to steer the country onto a path for growth across the whole spectrum of economic activity.
      In essence, he is attempting a very difficult task;  He wants to reduce the size of the Italian Parliament(lower the actual seat numbers) to a number that would make legislation easier to accomplish.   Right now, the number is in excess of 900 members.   Coalitions must be formed to produce laws and to change existing laws.   It is not easy given the cultural necessity to talk everything to the maximum degree.  But the pressing needs of the banking sector require tough new policies.   Italian banks have a heavy burden of bad loans.  Because of this burden, businesses are starved for capital to grow and expand.   Unemployment is at 11% and the critical 24-34 age group is suffering the most with figures well above the national rate.
     Germany has been stuck on its growth path as the country trys to deal with immigration on a massive scale.  Deutsche Bank has significant problems which could implode at anytime.  VW has announced layoffs of 11,000 workers caused in part by the ongoing scandal related to software that controls auto exhaust emissions in the US.
     The Italian election outcome could have a ripple effect beyond her borders.  Mr. Renzi has said he may resign as Prime Minister if the referendum fails to pass.  That would cause the government to be restructured/and realigned with new elections in the spring of 2017.  Business does not like a cloudy environment where capital is at risk.   Stability is necessary for investment.
     I encourage all eligible voters to vote "Yes" on Mr. Renzi's referendum, for Italy and for Europe.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Paul Ryan: Stability Comes to the Republicans

    Rep. Paul Ryan was voted in as Speaker of the House to solidify his hold over the lower house body.   His affirmation by the group represents a needed continuity of leadership as the president -elect seeks to inform the nation that his transition team is serious and respectable.  Mr. Ryan has taken a big step in providing confidence in the new regime taking over the White House in January.

Russya: Economics Equals State Problems

     Well, sports fans, seems that the Russyan economy is still slipping toward insolvency.  The Kremlin has just arrested the head of the economy.  Charges: taking bribes.  How shocking! Not in the fact of the matter but that they would accuse him of, of all things-taking bribes.   Why now?  Must be some recent reality hit the Onion Tops.  Could it be that somebody discovered that per capita income in the Ruble state is barely $9,000 per each?   Where does that leave the economic future of the largest country in the world?  In doubt as a viable entity, regardless of the repositioning of the "Baltic Fleet" to the Eastern Mediterranean sea.   Well, the attack on Aleppo is intensifying, and mr. Trump may not be ready to cozy up to Vlad over Ukraine and Crimea.
       What to do?   Not easy living in Russya.   Our representatives from Tahoma just returned from an inspection tour of European Russya and had some interesting facts to report:  the Moskova subway works well-fast, efficient, and on time.   The Volga River, the storied aquatic thoroughfare, is one of the most polluted in the world.   Hmmm.  Hasn't the Kremlin heard of environmental repair work?   Maybe it's not high on the Kremlin's list of fix-its.
Stay tuned, we'll give follow up to the case against the economic minister.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day: 11/11/2016

   Today we salute all veterans, young and old.  There are an estimated 20 million American veterans of all conflicts and the Cold War era.  The largest number living today are Vietnam War veterans, representing about 34% of the number.  Actual Vietnam veterans number about 800,000 of the est. 2.5 million service men and women who participated.
     The Armed Forces Classic basketball tournament is underway at Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii.  This is the sight of the attack by Japanese forces on Dec. 7, 1941 which commenced the involvement of America in World War II.  The USS Missouri is anchored in Pearl Harbor today as a memorial to all US servicemen who gave their lives 75 years ago during the attack.  It was on the decks of the ship that the surrender documents were signed by Ge. Douglas MacArthur and Japanese government representatives.

Mathew Turner: Ship Gets Power

      The Mathew Turner, still on the ways in Sausalito, CA, had 2 diesel engines installed recently.
Cummins Diesel Generators in place: engine space
Engine mount IFO aft water tight bulkhead
Hybridrive electric motor(1 of 2)
Diesel generator 1 of 2  
      The electric motors will drive the ship achieving 12+ knots when not under sail.  The ship will rely on batteries when operating.   With motors and generators and batteries, the ship will have a range of 2000 miles +/-.   The versatility of this system will enhance the experience of all passengers and crew when a sea.
     BAE engineers will meet staff in Sausalito next week to discuss the electrical system requirements with electricians who will accomplish the install.  There are at least 3 different systems that must be included according to the director.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Book Review: The Season of the Witch

      A best -selling history of the city of San Francisco?   How does this happen?  One stocks the story with some of the most bizarre events of the late 20th century in a city widely recognized around the world.  What happened in this one location in a short window of time is the stuff of novels.  The founder of Salon,  author David Talbot, wrote a captivating history of the '60's, the '70's, and the '80's of a city rent by a series of remarkable and bizarre events.  The best-selling author of Brothers, a book about the Kennedy brothers, looks at the players and politicians who were deeply involved during the time period.   It looks at events that were part of the Baby Boomers' phase of early maturity during and after the Vietnam War which began in 1965 and ended in 1975 and hung like a pall over all the events mentioned.
     Published in 2012, it became a bestseller on the NYT pages.
     Who were the principal characters involved in San Francisco's turbulent times of the late 2oth century?  The list is long and the names are not obscure or unfamiliar.   Let's start from the beginning:
     In the '60's, we have rock impresario Bill Graham, the man who was responsible for putting body into the 'new' music.   He organized rock concerts right in the heart of the City, in the Fillmore District, the heart of old jazz music and Black culture.   Close on his heels were the rock stars themselves:  Janis Joplin, Grace Slick, Jerry Garcia, Paul Kantner, and John Fogerty.   Many bands were also unleashed during the time such as Big Brother and the Holding Company, the Quicksilver Messenger Service, and Moby Grape.
      Overlaid with the music scene was a political maelstrom of competing politics.  Joe Alioto, a native son, was elected mayor in 1968, at the height of the Vietnam War and the year after the "Summer of Love" of 1967.  He was a brilliant lawyer and had the backing of most areas of the City, excepting the Haight/Ashbury where the hippies/druggies/transients/ and dreamers landed.
     Another lawyer from the Irish side of the City was Vincent Hallinan, as Irish as Joe was Italian.  He represented various labor groups and individuals who were responsible for labor unrest that rocked the City from the mid-20's to the late '30's, shutting down the waterfront in 1934.
     As the music scene degenerated into chaos and confusion,   groups that splintered from the chaos sought a new direction and new goals.  Enter the Black Panthers, an all Black group out of Oakland across the Bay.   Then there was the SLF, a more radical group(of a handful) of mindless thugs bent on rage and terror.
     Other Characters included future US Sen. Diane Feinstein; future mayor and Speaker of the California State Assembly Willie Brown, State Senator and future Mayor, native son George Moscone, and clergyman Cecil Williams of Glide memorial Church in the City's Tenderloin.
     The whole mess was crowned by the alleged Rev. Jim Jones who wormed his way into local politics with money and masses of voters for anybody willing to pay. This raving maniac suckered most of the City's leaders, eventually getting caught with his church going under.  he left the City for Guyana where his cult murdered over 900 innocents, including almost 300 children.  He had placed his henchmen in key positions in the City's administration and always had inside information, especially within the city attorney's office run by Joe Freitas, Jr.
     Other players included Patty Hearst and her father, Randolph Hearst.  Dan White, who assassinated Geo. Moscone and supervisor Harvey Milk.   Topping this all was the AIDS crisis of the early '80's.
     David Talbot did a remarkable job, highlighting a period than continues to resonate across the country.   Diane Feinstein is still a US Senator.

Our Minister in Brasilia

Yesterday: The Lake at the Shoulder Season w/ Mt. Lyell-3pm
      Our Minister of Latin American Affairs is on the road again.  He was dispatched to the capitol of Brazil, Brasilia, last week, to conduct meetings with federal representatives.  His mission: to explain Donald Trump to an audience that cannot grasp the possible election of a political neophyte to run the largest economy in the world and one of the most populous Western nations.  It won't be easy.
     He has been to Brasilia many times, and while it is a relatively new city, access is difficult given its location far from the east coast where most Brazilians live(in Rio State).
     This week, he will be going to Argentina to take the pulse of that country.   It is now almost summertime in the southern hemisphere, and our minister has to cope with raising temperatures and a vacation-minded population.
     Not easy.  Updates to follow as he forwards dispatches home to Tahoma and Tahoe's West Shore.

Mr. President: Donald Trump

     Well, children, we have awakened, pinched ourselves and realized the nightmare is not a dream but the new reality.  Despite odds against him, the Donald prevailed over the democrat Hillary Clinton.  The message of the Donald was heard in the heartland of America: "I will change things for the you for the better."   These words of hope resonated with voters who have been left behind, especially after the recession of '08-'09.
     Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but lost the electoral college vote.   Her inability to carry the "Rust Belt" states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin doomed her chances of securing a long sought victory.   No doubt the Clinton Era is over.  Millennials don't recall Pres. Bill Clinton, and were not sure of Hillary due to the baggage she obviously brought to the campaign.   Her integrated staff of professional campaigners missed a very large bloc of dissatisfied middle Americans who have felt left behind.   They gave Donald Trump the vote because he spoke to them in terms they could understand and identify with as the race tightened through the summer.
     Now the hard work begins for Democrats to figure out how to salvage their party from the Oval Office and a Republican Congress.   Good luck with that.
     The Dems now have to rebuild a coalition of candidates who can mount a challenge, the challenge of 2018 when more than 25 Congressional House seats are up for grabs.

Steph Curry: Does it Again

      The basketball star of the NBA Golden State Warriors did it again: broke and set a new record.  He has been MVP now for 2 seasons in a row, raising the bar for all the NBA players.  His scoring ability has transformed the game and the entire mindset of game theory and practice.  How does a team defend against a player who can score from almost anywhere, literally, on the court?  He has so many options available that even the most astute defender can be a victim of his immense talent(s).
     In a game last week, Mr. Curry did not score a 3-point goal, breaking a streak that extended for over 100 games.  The very next game, he scores 13 3-point goals, setting a new single game record.  He was relentless during the game, scoring almost at will from all over the court.  He is an absolute joy to watch as he dances around defenders who have the misfortune to draw him as their target.  He catches the defenders unawares by a pattern of moves and fake steps that leave the defender in the dust.   The poor defenders play catchup, hoping against hope that they do not look awkward and confused; but that becomes the usual outcome.
      After the record-breaking basket, Mr. Curry did a strut-walk that marked his effort, the walk more pride than taunt.   His winning smile dotted the performance as the crowd rose to its feet to help him celebrate the event.   Warriors' fans take great pride in the efforts of Stephen Curry, the Michael Jordan of this era.
     Last night, the Warriors played the San Antonio Spurs at home and fans were treated to the spectacle of the the Curry brothers playing against each other.   Seth Curry plays for the Spurs, and, while he looks similar, he is not Steph by any stretch.
     Enjoy the season; about 70 games to go.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Turkey: Erdogan Takes it to the Next Level

       Turkey appears to be ready to go off the rails any minute.  The Prime Minister, Mr. Erdogan, seems to be carrying out a policy of repression to thwart any more efforts to redirect his administration toward a functional democracy.  His actions have been duly noted in Brussels and in Moskova.  Internal tensions have been exacerbated by recent arrests and a takeover of the country's largest independent newspaper.  Such actions spell trouble for the citizenry at a time when the 5+ year old war in neighboring Syria reaches critical mass.   The siege of Aleppo has dragged on for months with  no end it sight.
      Mr. Erdogan appears to be indifferent to criticism from his European allies or former allies.   EU leaders have called for a review of all agreements with Turkey.  This recent spate of arrests and takeovers is shocking in the eyes of experienced observers.   Is this the beginning of a long slide into an Islamist state?  Will secularism be sent packing into oblivion?
     The silencing of opposition news organizations is a chilling habit of dictators and repressive governments.   The arrests of thousands of intellectuals and teachers is another blow to the country.  Many thousands of teachers have lost their jobs since the "coup" was put down.   This action is always reported as necessary for the security and stability of a country's situation.   The Western European countries who had considered Turkey for EU membership are now calling for review, if not outright denial.   Mrs. Merkel of Germany is in a tight spot: she has made an agreement with Turkey to have migrants from Syria and other Middle East nations stopped in Turkey, short of their goal of Western Europe.  A package of financial assistance was agreed to as part of the deal.  Now what?
A vocal minority could be Erdogan's key to success, or, it could be the straw that broke the camel's back.
      Before the year is out, the end game should come into view.   Clarity will improve after the elections in the USA on Tuesday, November 8.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Game 7 2016: the Greatest Game 7 Ever?

      The pundits will be rehashing the play-by-play for a generation.  The merry-go-round of players, especially pitchers, will provide fodder for columnists for years to come.   Watching that contest was to watch history in the making.  108 years of waiting kept fans glued to their seats and their TVs.
      Many predicted that the outcome was a tossup.  But a come from behind catch-up, a rain delay at a critical juncture?  Nobody knows how it affected the end results.  But, as Cub player Jason Heyward said in a team meeting he called during the delay, " we solidified our position to stay on point and go out and do what we came to do:win".
     So, fate played a role: a storm cell descended over the park and the game was stopped until the rain moved on.   It was only a matter of minutes, but it gave the Cubs a chance to regroup and absorb the new task ahead as the game went into the 10th inning.  Orvoldis Chapman, the ace reliever, was done; he would not be part of the game now. But he got credit for the win.  Two more bullpen relievers would face the Indians in the bottom of the 10th after the Cubs took a 2-run lead.   Joe Maddon kept his stoic appearance as his decision looked suspect at first, then brilliant at the end.
       Ben Zobrist, the veteran, was named MVP of the Series.  His clutch hit in the 10th made the difference.  He'll always be Chicago's hero of heroes until he's gone from the world we all live in. 

Aluminum: An Attractive Metal- to China

       Americans, among others, have been used to aluminum in the environment for generations via the ubiquitous soft drink can.  The vessel found its way around the world filled with Coca Cola and its many imitators.   It gave rise to the recycling business, creating armies of entrepeneurs who scour the landscape with it s trash containers brimming with empties.   Aluminum smelters/refiners were cranking out tons of the lightweight metal to satisfy the demands.  Bauxite miners bought new carriers and ever larger rigs to extract the ore to feed the smelters.  All of this activity caught the wandering eye of the Chinese government whose leaders saw opportunity.   Enter Chinese aluminum product.
       Since the year 2000, 15 of 21 American aluminum smelters have shut down, displacing over 5000 workers in the eastern US.  The remainder sites are in jeopardy.  The prices of Chinese imported aluminum product directly led to these closures.   Now a Chinese company wants to directly takeover a US company that produces here at home: Aleris Corp., based in Cleveland, Ohio, home of the Indians and LeBron's Cavaliers.   12 U.S. senators have sent a letter to the Obama administration asking to halt this acquisition.   The company, Zhongwang USA LLC offered the highest price ever for a US metals company.  Liu Zhongtian, who controls the company, is founder and chairman of Chinese aluminum giant China Zhongwang Holdings Ltd.   The letter sent was addressed to to Secretary Jacob Lew sighting the effect of certain defense-related aluminum products.  It has been a topic of concern when it was revealed 2 months ago that Mr. Liu was routing Chinese aluminum product through Mexico to avoid US import quotas and tariffs, given Mexico's trade status.
     Apparently, Mr. Liu thinks the investment in a domestic facility will make his entry into the American market legitimate.   Hmmmm.  Is this the country that is trying to intimidate the Phillipine Islands into submission in the South China Sea?   Is this the same China that is rousting political opponents in Hong Kong who espouse more independence?  Is this the same China that harasses Tibets on all issues?   Is this the same China that chases Muslims from their homes in the far western provinces?   Is this the same China that looks away from its client state of North Korea when the porky madman at the helm test fires another missile into the Sea of Japan?  Why, I believe it is.
      Concurrently, Germany is also dealing with a Chinese attempt to score a significant asset in that country: chip maker Aixtron.   Germany has withdrawn its approval of the purchase, sighting the issue of defense contracts and industrial secrets.   Chinese officials then criticized the move as "detrimental" to China/Germany trade agreements.  
    Nice try, Mr. Liu. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

World series: Over

Chicago Cubs: World Champions, first time in 108 years.

Stephan Crane, American Author: Happy Birthday

     "The cold passed reluctantly from earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, resting.  As the landscape changed from brown to green, the army awakened, and began to tremble with eagerness at the noise of rumors.  It cast its eyes upon the roads, which were growing from long troughs of liquid mud to proper thoroughfares.  A river, amber-tinted in the shadow of its banks, purled at the army's feet; and at night, when the stream had become of a sorrowful blackness, one could see across it the red, eye-like gleam of hostile campfires set in the low brows of the distant hills."
      The opening line of the classic novel, The Red Badge of Courage. (1895).  Stephen Crane was born in Newark in 1871, 5 years after the end of the American Civil War, on November 1st.   This tale of redemption of a soldier struck a cord with readers, especially among Civil War veterans, some of whom claimed to have served with the lad.   He was 24 years old when he wrote it.  Henry Fleming, the character, was the embodiment of the foot soldier stuck in a conflict he did not fathom with people he did not know, in places he had never been.  Welcome to war.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

World Series: Game 6 in Books

      The Cubs came out swinging-with their bats, that is.  It started early in the 1st inning: a couple of hits, a fielding error(misplayed flyball), and aggressive base running. 3-0, Cubs.
    A short time later in the 3rd inning, Addison Russell got a hold of a pitch with the bases loaded: GRAND SLAM- Cubs up, 7-0.  They were rocking in Chi Town.
     Cleveland finally got on the board with a solo shot, and added another, 7-2.  Coach Joe madden went to his ace reliever in the 7th inning: 2 pitches, inning over.   Chapman pitched the 8th after Rizzo hit a 2 run homer, Cubs 9-2.
     Chapman started the 9th and the lead off Indian got a walk.   New pitcher.  Out No.1.  Then out No.2.  Then game over.
      There will be a game 7 tomorrow: always a thriller.   Loser goes home, winner goes home.  Season 2016:Over.
     Don't miss this game: coaches will hold nothing back.  Every chip will be put in the pot: All In.
Edge to Cleveland, the home team.  Gut feeling:  Cubs, momentum with back-to-back wins after being down 3-1.  Energy to Chicago.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Cones on the Road

     Be careful of these guys on the road to Tassajara Center in Los Padres Nat. Forest: these monster cones could take out a tire.

Firewood Notice: Again

       Well, it's easy to note the time of year: watch the small trucks throughout the West Shore delivering split logs for the stove/fireplace.
     Let's review:
     How is firewood sold? In a cord.  What is a cord of wood?   It is a measurement of the dimensions.  And what are they?  4' X 4' X 8'= 128 CUBIC FEET.   Seems simple enough, but wait: it's more complicated.   The words "tightly packed" come into play.  The cut and split pieces are not stacked cross-wised, but parallel, leaving very small spaces in between.
    Most dealers/sellers cut pieces in 16" lengths, or try to do that.  The results vary considerably.  Hence there is a necessity to MEASURE that cord upon delivery.   That requires stacking, which most customers forego, and most sellers take advantage of that fact.
     If a seller pulls up with his truck and the wood is in a pile in the bed, nobody knows for certain how much is actually on board-until it is restacked.   A random test of pieces taken early is a tip off: are the pieces on average 16" each or less?
     With this knowledge, a buyer/homeowner can prevent the rip off(s) which are rampant around the Tahoe basin.   Most brokers in the Central Valley sell their wood to dealers who deliver from Truckee or Placerville or Auburn.  Yes, they are entitled to a profit, but a legitimate profit only.
    Pay attention; get what you pay for. 

Game 5 Goes to CUBS

     Facing elimination is always a situation that fosters focus among athletes and coaches.  Last night's Game 5 was no exception.  The Cubs were/are up against it: win or go home a loser.  The Indians were ready to pounce and end their quest of their first Series win in 71 years.  But the Cubbies would have none of it.  The scrappy Chicagoans held on in the late innings as Mr. Chapman, the fireballing reliever shut down the Cleveland team with consistent 100 mph fastballs.  Mr. Chapman inherited a situation with men on base but prevented any further scoring.
     Now, a travel day as the teams return to Cleveland where the Cubs must win 2 in a row.  If they win the next game and even the series, a slight edge is given to the home team Indians.   A Game 7 is always worth the ticket price.
    Take tonight off; read a book; get ready for baseball tomorrow.

Viktor Bout: An Unhappy Arms Merchant

      Convicted gun smuggler and arms dealer, Viktor Bout, has filed a second appeal of his conviction related to his arms dealing and international gun running.   He doesn't like the prospect of another 23  years in a US Federal prison in Illinois.   His lawyers contend that he was selling only logistics components, not arms.
     The former Russyan air force officer thought he was smarter than everybody else, like Trump/Putin, and could avoid the reach of the FBI by staying away from American soil.  Wrong.  Poor Viktor, he thought he could conduct his nefarious deals abroad and exist beyond the reach of the US Dept. of Justice.   He was set up in Thailand by play actors.  He thought he was negotiating with FARC reps from the Colombian rebel group.  These folks were actually disguised imposters, setting a well-timed trap.   He was arrested by US representatives, and then spent 2 years in a Thai jail fighting extradition.  He lost, and was extradited.  He stood trial with his expert legal defense team, and was convicted by a jury.  Sentence: 25 years, but not hard labor ala Gulag-style in Siberia.   Maybe he would prefer a Gulag residence; maybe not.   Illinois is probably hot and humid in summer, but not as cold as Siberia.
       What are his chances of a retrial?  Slim and none.  Get used to prison food, Viktor.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Game 4: World Series

    Well, the team with the most wins in the major leagues is about done.  That is, the Chicago Cubs are up against the wall, down 3-1 against the Cleveland Indians.  Scoring first, the Cubs were facing somebody they had already seen-Corey Kluber.  He didn't appear to be as sharp after 3 days of rest.  But he was sharp enough, as the Indians answered in the bottom of the first with a solo shot to tie it up.
    Then, 2 more runs to make it 3-1.  Then another to make it 4-1.  And then-the 'Bomb'- a 3-run shot that made it 7-1.   Hmmmmm.   Can this be changed?   Apparently, the Cubs cannot generate an offense against the Indians' pitching.
    The Cubs added a solo run late 7-2, but did not threaten further.  Chicago must now win the next 3, 2 of which will be played in Cleveland.  Good luck.

Italians Nervous After Another Apennine Quake

      Another earthquake has shaken the Italian peninsula today.   The 7.1 scale terramoto was centered in the town of Norcia, in the south central region north of Rome, about 40 miles SE of Perugia.  Initial reports do not include any deaths resulting from the shaker.   This is the 3rd significant seismic event in the past 2 months.   Locals are understandably nervous and anxious about the situation.   Will there be more is the question on their minds.
      Italy is a known location of continuous seismic activity do to its position astride tectonic plate fault lines.  For centuries, the landscape has been continuously altered as the African Plate moves north and is subducted under the European Plate.
      In 1908, another significant quake occurred in the Strait of Messina separating Sicily from the mainland.  As many as 200,000 people died.   The death toll could have been higher, but international relief aided the affected area providing medical treatment, food, and shelter to the local citizenry.
    Loose building codes also were a contributing factor to the destructive results.
    In Norcia, not far from L'Aquila, destruction is severe with many ancient churches and monasteries destroyed.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

World Series: Game 3

      Cubs didn't do it.  They failed to provide even 1 run for their pitching staff and their team.   The Indians got their 1 run the old fashioned way: they hit the ball where the defense wasn't.  Several times, the Cubs threatened, but to no avail.  For more than 13 times, they left runners stranded on base without scoring.   Not good.
     The Series will go at least another 2 more games, possibly ending in Chicago before a return trip to Cleveland.   We'll be watching.   The pitching has been superb, underscoring the dictum that good pitching defeats good hitting.
     Joe Madden will try his magic to get the bats to come alive in Game 4 tonight.

Proposition 61: Drug Pricing Standards

       Hmmmm.  So you are not happy with the price of your medical prescriptions.  You are not alone.  The media has reported cases of obvious price gouging by big pharma companies.   Congress held hearings, asking for explanations.  Enter information that the VA medical system "negotiates" with drug companies and pays reduced prices for the same meds that many of us use.  Do we know what the VA pays?  No.   But, some folks think California should be able to "negotiate" like the VA for lower prices, saving state taxpayers a bundle along the way.  Sounds reasonable.  So, we have Prop 61-an initiative ballot prop. to do just that: negotiate with those monolithic corporate entities who own the patents to many meds thereby restricting access unless a stiff fee is paid by an insurer or the individual in need.
       As a result of this choice for voters on the ballot, big pharma is pouring over $100 millions into a campaign to defeat the measure, even threatening veterans with future higher prices for meds.   This immoral approach and unethical attitude only underscores the position of big pharma: profits at any price without regard for cost.   Most folks know that drug patents exist for a fixed period, then generics are allowed to compete.  Prices generally fall thereafter.  Big pharma like to push the envelop and squeeze as much as possible during the closed patent period.  Normal monopolistic behavior.
      So, in your selection of yes and no on Nov. 8th, consider the funding of the opposition: out of state millions to defeat an in state proposal to help reduce the cost of medical care and treatment for Californians: you and me.
Vote Yes

Thursday, October 27, 2016


     The Apennines were the location of another quake in central Italy.  The region borders the east coast or Aegean Sea.   The Marches province is north of Rome, about 100 miles.  Two small villages were severely damaged.  Prime Minister Matteo Renzi pledged 30 Million Euros to aid those affected who will need housing during the rebuilding phase.
     This quake follows another quake affecting the region only 2 months ago.   The area is a known epicenter of seismic activity.

Proposition 64 on Stateballot

     California is not the only state putting the issue of legalizing marijuana use in the state.   Four other states are also voting in November.   The time has arrived.   Californians seek to join other states including Washington and Colorado in decriminalizing use and possession of the weed.   Medical marijuana has been legal for a number of years.  Users must get a prescription from a medical doctor.  That license could cost $30-$100, depending on exact location.
     Too many young people have had their lives derailed as a result of a conviction for marijuana -related arrests.   Our jails are overcrowded, courts devote a large amount of time to low level misdemeanors and nonviolent crimes such as possession for sale of the weed.
     Vote Yes, take a step to end the failed 'war on drugs".   Yes, it is still banned by the Federal Government, but maybe they'll finally get the message.

Fall at Lake Tahoe West Shore

Tahoe City Colors
30 Seconds Before Dawn 9/26/16
       So, here's a couple of pics to view while having your morning coffee.  Doesn't get much better around the Lake in October-the 'Tween Season".

World Series: Cubs v. Indians

      As the Series heads to Chicago, it now becomes a best-of-5 matchup.  Jake Arrieta, the dependable Cubs pitcher, helped to even the Series at 1 apiece, defeating the host Cleveland team last night.   The next 3 games will be played at Wriggly Field in the Windy City, in front of fans who haven't witnessed such activity locally since 1948.
      Terry Francona seems up to the task as does his opposing manager Mr. Maddon.  Both managers bring a wealth of talent and experience to the field.   It's proving to be a classic matchup of worthy rivals from the Upper Midwest.

Election Near

     It has been difficult to avoid this cycle's election clamor.  Never has the country had such a choice: either a bombastic neophyte cretin(no offense to cretins) or a seasoned politician with an established record of experience, not the least as an insider for many years while her husband occupied the White House.
     Mrs. Clinton turner 69 yesterday while on the campaign trail.  mr. Trump turned 70 last June, making this pair 2 of the oldest contenders in American history.    Both have lots of baggage, one more than the other: tax returns, Wall St. speeches; the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi, Trump's bankruptcies, Mr. Trump's 3 marriages, Mr. Trump's sexual appetites and boorish behaviors(if not outright criminal); the debate faux pas's,  Mr. Clinton's participation; Chelsea Clinton's role at the Foundation, and on and on and on.    Polls now award Mrs. Clinton the Presidency, with Mr. Trump an also ran.   Congress is another story-it's in play as Republican leaders scramble  to salvage something from this unprecedented shift of voter interest.  Populism: is it really a dirty word?
      Pundits like to throw the term around: a play to voter angst; a play to voter fears; a play to voter needs/desires; a crude take on the uneducated masses.  But, it really is only a word, favored by writers as a threat against democracy as readers look south to Latin American politics for a first hand look at the results of "real" populism: Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Ecuador.
     Here in the US, populism is not much more than the voices of interest groups, those that get heard most often: labor organizations/unions; religious blocs; minority groups/blocs; and business blocs-chambers/lobbyists; and our lovable billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffet to name 2.
     If you're registered to vote(deadline has passed), you are ready to participate.   Plan ahead-don't let the weather affect your vote.  It is especially important in California with so many propositions on the ballot.  We'll look at some of them.

Highway 89 Update

       If you have to drive into Tahoe City for anything at all, expect delays.   CalTrans crews are feverishly working to finish this season's construction project alongside the lake.  Currently, the big delay is at the Blackwood Canyon turnoff.  Paving equipment is in action complete with heavy rollers, asphalt dumps, and all the finishers.   Stops seem to take about 10 minutes in each direction, with pods of vehicles guided through the cone maze by a CalTrans pickup.   Be careful and aware as the lanes shift left and right.  Practice a little patience and watch for workers moving about the perimeter.
     Weather this weekend looks wet with rain expected.  temps are still not low enough for snow on 89, but higher elevations will get some white stuff.    Time to switch tires?

Nevada Race Even: Hech v. Masto for US Senate

      Well, Tahoma folks, when you gaze east across the lake, what do you see?  A tight race?  Actually, you just see the opposite shoreline of the Silver State, out neighbor(s).   But, as we know from local media, the Senate race for retiring former pugilist/ jack Mormon Senate minority leader Harry Reid's seat is being hotly contested.  Mr. Obama has focused on this race, seeing this as a stepping stone to Democratic control of the upper house of Congress.    Mr. Trump appears to be losing ground, especially among women voters in the state.  Ms. Masto is expected to do well among Latino voters, although the number of new voters in the group is not great.
     Pundits write that the "Reid" machine is working furiously to swing voters to the Democratic candidate.  If the voters elect Ms. Masto, she would become the first Latina in the Senate.  This race underscores the ambiguity of the outcome on November 8th.  Polls indicate a victory for Mrs. Clinton, but the Congressional outcome is far from decided.   The House has many more Republican seats in play during this cycle-25.   The Senate enough to change the balance to a Democratic majority.  Union mambers in Las Vegas are out in force to vote against Trump.  Many of its members work for one of Mr. Trump's properties in the gambling mecca.  They claim he is not the best employer in town.   This outpouring of Democratic voters will aid Ms. Masto's efforts.
      These last 2 weeks of campaigning will tilt many races, justifying the heavy spending across the political spectrum.

Putin: The Answer MAN.

    It's that time of the year folks: Czar Putin goes on the airwaves to talk at his people and answer their many questions to the best ...