Monday, May 11, 2015

Angela Merkel: Leader of Europe

       No matter where you live, you have to appreciate Angela Merkel in  her role as the leader of Europe.  Sadly, there is no competition for that role.   Whether one looks at France, Italy, England, or Spain, it is obvious leaders of those countries are found wanting.  David Cameron- he'll be consumed by domestic issues(Scotland); Hollande- his economic woes continue; Matteo Renzi- will continue to make fundamental structural changes at home while dealing with new waves of Sub-Saharan economic refugees seeking entre to the Euro Union; Jose' L. Zapatero in Spain-he's stuck with 20% unemployment rate and abysmal growth; Greece-pathetic politics continue; Nordics/Swiss/Baltics all struggle.   Germany: the new model, the hope of the West-lead by the Rock of Berlin: Angela.
      This past weekend, Angela traveled to Moscova to attend a ceremony dedicated to the memory of the Great Patriotic War Victory 70 years ago when the Allies defeated Nazi Germany after 6 years of unrestricted warfare.  Organized by the Russyan Federation, the new facade of the Russkies, and mad Vlad Putin, its face, the ceremony and accompanying festivities extolled the virtues of Russyan spirit and cooperation.  Ha.  More charades, complete with parades of modern military costumes.
    While speaking on the dais with Mad Vlad at her side, Ms. Merkel looked at him and chastised the little fellow for abuse of power in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, posing a risk to cooperation with Europe and its EU.   He back pedaled and commented that past efforts resulted in the Great Victory.  Ha.  Angela put Putin in his place: that of a second rate blowhard incapable of reasonable leadership.   How nice, coming from someone about Putin's age, who spent half of her 60 years under the Soviet boot in eastern Germany until the berlin Wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight.   I love the finger pointing: a direct slap without the sting.   Good timing on her part.   Have a nice week, Vlad.
   photo above includes late models of Russyan armata tanks on display.  Scary. 

1 comment:

Hezbollah Reeling/Careening

   Things have not gone well for recognized terrorist organization Hezbollah, which usurped power in Lebanon decades ago. They recently thou...