Sunday, April 5, 2015

Minister of Latin American Affairs Meeting

     Our man in Washington, the Minister of Latin American Affairs, had an inspirational meeting, one-on-one, with one of America's foremost diplomats.  That would be the former Ambassador to the United Nations, John Negroponte.  A quick glance at his Google profile, or Wikipedia bio tells a remarkable story of a remarkable man.  He was a career Foreign Service Officer, achieving ambassadorial rank early on in his career.  He served as ambassador to the United Nations, ambassador to Honduras, and ambassador to Iraq.  He served on the National Security Council, and as adviser to several presidents.  He still has time to mentor young diplomats(our own Minister among them).
      As our Minister learns the ropes of Washington, and observes the routes necessary to navigate around the numerous shoals of the Department of State, we are the recipients of his training and education.   All this heavy duty will benefit all Tahomans, especially those who are infrequent visitors to Washington, DC.  Yes, the Mayor and the Deputy Mayor will be in DC to interview our Minister to translate his latest moves and decisions.  There is a possibility that he will be sent to Sao Paolo or Surinam; but maybe to Jordan or Portugal.  This won't be known for a few more weeks.
     Having a meeting with such an historic figure as John Negroponte is a feather in the cap for any diplomat.  Bravo, Signore. 

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