Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Obama Gives Putin Heartburn

       Just when Mad Vlad thought he was out of the woods,  the lawyer in the White House throws another wrench at the Kremlin.  The price of a barrel of oil hits a new 5 year low and Russiya's economic minister predicts a recession in his country next year.  Ooof, right in the stomaco.
     It hasn't been a good week for our guy, the Shirtless Wunderkin: Raz Putin.  Maybe he'll have to put Ed Snowden on TV to ask Pres. Obama for clemency with a plea from Pres. Putin that Mr. Ed is just a patriot with a problem.   The Russyian decision to take over Crimea isn't looking too well on the home front right now as economic sanctions continue to take bear-sized bites out of the oligarchs' shorts.
     With the winter solstice-with long, dark winter days ahead, only 2 weeks away, maybe Mad Vlad will put down the vodka bottle, send his mistress to Baku, and start thinking about his future which is beginning to look bleak.
     Pres. Obama is smiling as the price of oil goes down and all his "good" friends-Japan, Germany, France, England, Italy, Greece, are seeing energy costs plummet; while "unfriends" Venezuela, Iran, Russyia, Iraq, Yemen, and Cuba are seeing their economies take it in the shorts.  Too bad for you.  
Want to play with the "Big Boys"?
 Better bring your 'A' game.   

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