Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Highway 89; a Shambles

     Work crews of all stripes have descended into our neighborhood, posting signs, parking everywhere, and horror of horrors, imposing restrictions on our movements through the 'hood.   Traffic flagmen/women have been posted in a variety of locations, stopping and starting the 1 lane operations around the construction sites.
      First, there are the forestry dudes.  They are hard at it, wielding their vicious chain saws, leveling all types of standing trees, but mostly white firs, the curse of the basin.   They are cutting down quite a few dead snags, reducing fire loading to prevent the spread of wild fires.   Meeks Bay Fire Dist. has had a hand in these efforts by continuing to provide brush removal in the neighborhoods surrounding Tahoma.
     CalTrans has been heavily involved, constructing run off barriers on the shoulder of 89.   This imposing concrete curb/gutter is intended to prevent the runoff from carrying contaminants and sand into Lake Tahoe.  These efforts will, in turn, keep our lake clean and clear.   The heavy equipment in use is impressive, given the actual size of the curbs in place.  But, grading is a necessary factor for all the preparations before the concrete pour.
     AT&T is also on the scene(right near downtown Tahoma), pulling cables over the tall power poles spanning the highway.  Is it cable, at last?   More info needed on this question.

Subsurface excavations are ongoing in 2 areas, north and south of Tahoma.  This no doubt involves adding new piping for utilities, gas, water, and probably sewer lines.  This effort is the big deal, requiring steel plates to cover the trenches prior to placement of the new pipes.   Signs indicate this project will necessitate day time closures of various lengths, from 7am-until 6pm, Mon.-Fri, until October(winter onset).
      Weekends could get interesting.  Especially now that Highway 50, our neighbor to the south, is being widened for many miles in El Dorado county.   Will this activity discourage visitors?  Of course, everybody is on the internet and can read Caltrans updates.
   Pay Attention When Driving, especially when daredevil bike riders drift onto the blacktop.

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