After 3 days of windy, cold weather, glorious autumn days have returned. For several days this week, temps were 20 degrees below normal, pushing ski resorts to scramble and break out the snow making gear. Perhaps they were a little too hopeful, and their efforts were for naught.
The Mayor had breakfast on the deck, warmed by the sun, now much lower in the southern sky.
Folks have laid up their wood, and a few late comers are experiencing rising prices for cord wood. Contractors are also scrambling to get closed up before the inevitable snow flurries just around the corner. Mixed hardwoods are in the $325-350/cord range, and will go higher.
Smoke plumes rolled up to Rubicon Peak this week as Forest Service personnel lit off dried piles of cleared cuttings stacked 2 seasons ago. The 20-30 knot winds shifted the plume into the high country and kept the lake surface free of ash debris. Late Wednesday night, a snag ignited on the north face of Meeks Ck. terrain, providing a roman candle effect in its stark loneliness.
Further efforts were observed higher up the mountain on Thursday, more to the Rubicon side of the watershed.
Ongoing Forest Service efforts will continue to abate dangerous buildup of forest litter.
Westside Pizza reports midseason conditions(bus. slowdown) and looks forward to the 1st snow. No bear reports or incidents have come across our desk. We will keep an eye out for those late hibernators who show up during the Halloween post party!
Watch out for T&T'ers this Sat. night!