Hmmmmmm. Who said that? Who said what? Who said we can't trust the economic data put out by the Chinese government? It was an economist. Not just any economist, but a respected Chinese economist who mentioned at an international meeting that the numbers put out by Beijing didn't add up or make sense. Something was not quite right. The date was not only confusing, but also contradicted other recorde mdata sets. Hmmmm.
Then what happened? well the economist was then subjected to discipline. He was detained. He is now regretting what and where he spoke. He will have to answer for making that error in judgement. Oh, to be able to speak freely. Not in Chhina sir. Speak only when told to speak and only say what Beijing wants you to say. Whatever, don't speak the truth if it contradicts Communist Party "truths". Don't make dictator Xi look like a fool.
Spread the word: top economist speaks bad words. Now disciplined. Numbers will add up or else. Don't doubt the Party numbers. If you do, bad things will happen.
Ahhh, China. So much potential but the country can't shake the aParty, yet.