Thursday, June 20, 2024

Trump v. Biden Debate

     The Mayor is generally above national politics. Often, state politics warrant a few comments. Lake Tahoe politics which borders the national realm, often requires study and comment due to the local affects of policies and policy changes.  Now, the possibility of double exposure will happen in one week; a televised debate between the Democratic Party's sitting president and the challenging Republican Party's former president, DJT(Donald "The Felon" Trump). 

     Here we have two elderly gentlemen and I use the term loosely, who want to defy time and place and win an election to the highest office of the United States. This comes at a time of increased international tensions with wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Israel, Sudan, and tensions in South Africa, Ecuador, Mexico, and India. The European Union has its issues with memberships, and France and England are facing elections that could up end existing coalitions.

    So, there are ample topics that will challenge the two candidates, each ready to put the spin on each and every item raised by the hosts. This debate could be vastly different from prior events: interruptions will not be allowed, thus cutting off a favored Trump strategy to undercut opponents on the stage. Also, Mr. Trump will have a very large target on his back that reads: "FELON". Yes, Old Orange Head is a convicted  felon after the New York jury convicted him on 34 counts of altering records of his businesses in NYC.

      His favorite moniker for Pres. Biden: "Sleepy Joe" may get a little play, but his advisors may want him to forget it as it may tend to alienate uncommitted voters. Immigration and all its ramifications will hold the candidates attention from the beginning. Pres. Biden most recently used executive power to give illegal residents who have married American citizens and have been here in USA for 10 years, an opportunity to apply for Green Cards as a path to citizenship. There are restrictions, and not all illegals will qualify. Candidate Trump will no doubt work with his own immigration Czar, Stephen Miller, to put forth a 'new' plan that will placate his base by halting most immigration at least on the southern border with Mexico where most illegals gain entry to the USA.

        Generally, the voting public wants to see unfiltered coverage of the two men: who is most competent under the lights. Will they wilt with the heat, or will they demonstrate strength and confidence? Time will tell. Pres. Biden has retreated to Camp David to prepare for the event. DJT is probably on the golf course at Mar-a-Lago in Florida. despite a heat index warning. Maybe his brain will fry and we won't be subjected to his buffoonery anymore. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Meeks Bay Restoration Project

        Well, sports fans, the USFS and the Lake Tahoe Basin Mgmt Group has decided on a plan for the restoration of the Meeks Bay environment which is in the Tahoma neighborhood north of emerald Bay and south of Sugar Point Pine State Park n Highway 89. Meeks Creek, which starts in the Desolation Valley Wilderness area, winds its way down the slopes into the lake. Along the way, its flow is filtered through the meadow before reaching the lake proper.

       Over many years, the creek was channeled and diverted into a harbor setting next to the existing campground. The Meeks Bay Resort on the north bank also offered camping and some seasonal housing units for guests. Long ago, a pier stretched across the bay to facilitate passenger water craft. The new plan appears to focus on a return to former "natural" stream flow without interruption- a meandering stream that should provide spawning ground for the former fish that were there over a century ago. The fish was the Lahontan cutthroat trout. This native fish has been reintroduced into the lake over the last 5 years; as many as 200,000 fingerlings have been added in the last couple of years. 

      Residents can fine the plans at The comment/protest period has closed and further information will follow.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Maryland Pardons Cannabis Misdemeanors

    175,000 miscreants were officially pardoned by the governor of Maryland today.  Since the voters approved the sale of cannabis in the state, all those who were convicted of misdemeanor violations have been pardoned by state mandate from the governor's office. This will in effect liberate these individuals who have a police record of convictions for low lever crimes such as possession of marijuana/cannabis products. Essentially, these people will now have clean records. Some will have to apply for expungement , some will not. depends  on several factors. However, it will send a message across the USA that finally, policy is catching up with the times and the law as perceived by the adult population.

  Well done Maryland

Putin to North Korea

    Well, now VOVA(aka Putin) is visiting North Korea-the first visit in 25 years. No doubt with his hat in hand asking The Exalted Leader for some help. The Ukrainians are not rolling over. The West is sending more arms and Russya is exhausting  its reserve munitions. Need more-now. Help. 

      So, the Little Dictator is calling on the other Little Dictator-Asia seems to have more than a few dictators- for some help. Mr. Kim knows what Russya needs and he seems to be willing to bargain: energy for arms: the usual deal. VOVA has plenty of oil and gas and with a little planning, he, VOVA, can ship unlimited amounts to Pyongyang. Mr. Kim is more than willing to help; he has no love for the West or anybody else, including his own North Koreans- his slaves.

     The Special Operation in Ukraine is in its 3rd year and Russyans are tired: tired of war, tired of deaths of young people; tired of restrictions; and tired of lies from the Kremlin. So, Putin wants more help-he needs it. Mr. Kim specializes in weaponry of all sorts and his arms industries provide foreign money to his economy. Let's make a deal!

     The news media will get a positive spin fromRussyan State media and of course it will reflect nothing but positives from North Korea. 

Have a Nice Day

Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Wide Wide Sea: Capt. Cook Sets Sail

       Capt. Cook spent time in preparation for this voyage: he knew the drill: know the mission; supply needs to accomplish same; fill out the crew and give special attention to specialists/scientists and their equipment; identify ports of call for resupply. Now the ship had to be readied which included the inventory of parts as these long voyages required countless repairs while underway: ropes break, sails rip, yards crack, blocks crack, food is eaten, water drunk. As a lifelong sailor, Capt. Cook was more than up to the task at age 47. King George of England had a few other items on his agenda: the Colonies, those in "New" England, were unhappy with the Crown and its taxes. Now in open revolt and they had declared their independence on July 4, 1776. So, As King George confronted his next royal problem, Capt. Cook left Plymouth on the south coast and pointed toward the west coast of Africa and the Cape of Good Hope. 

      He would set a course he knew- round the Cape of Good Hope, cross the Indian Ocean, skirt the Dutch Indies and enter the Pacific Ocean and sail on to the Society Islands. This he would do without difficulty; this he would do as before. But this time, the next phase was different: he would proceed north but at an angle to visit the coast of North America, such as it was known then. He had no idea what he would encounter enroute; Hawaii. What a discovery. Imagine: Cook and his crew thought that nothing could improve on the Society Islands, but here they did find another "paradise". Beautiful landscapes, ideal weather, handsome and amiable peoples, a bountiful environment, and its location in the middle of the "Wide, Wide Sea".

      But things didn't go as planned and author Hampton Sides was able to recreate events that led to the death of CApt. Cook at the hands of local residents on the Big Island of Hawaii during a skirmish with Cook and a few crew members. He died at age 50, along with 4 Marines. His remains were eventually recovered days later and he was buried at sea. The new, replacement captain decided that a new attempt would be made to find the Northwest PAssage to Europe, but again, the ship was faced with the polar icecap. On the return south, the ship pulled into the Russyan port of Petropavst where the governor was cordial and willing to help. THe captain gave the ship's log and Cook's journals to the governor who declared he would ensure the safe delivery of same to London. The journals arrived in London intact and delivered the shocking news of Cook's death to the Admiralty long before the ship arrived home. It would be many months later that the 3rd voyage ended in London without its heralded guide, Captain James Cook. The voyage ended in 1780, almost 4 years after the start.


        Recently, media accounts were published that described the system put in place by the Kremlin to improve the population abyss confronting Russyan society. Given the sad economic future faced by the Siberian citizenry, families have lost the desire to procreate(have families and children. Demographers tell the story: the population decline in the next 10 years could measure above 10 millions. This would send the economy into a downward spiral that no government program could turn around.

      Mad Vlad(VOVA) had a idea: bring babies to Russya by systematic abduction. First, we takeover Ukraine; then we repatriate innocent children that their families don't need; ergo-our population numbers rebound and I become the greatest Rus in history: better than Catherine the Great and Pete the Great. And the children will grow up and be thankful they became Rus and not Ukrainian.

      So, the West viewed the faces of these infants; stolen from Ukraine; placed in custody of the overseers of a Kremlin system; and now placed for adoption. Who does this in the 21st century? What philosophical position justifies kidnapping innocents? Where is the international furor that could put a halt to this "CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY? Surely, the world knows this to be a criminal act; an act above and beyond any form of action. And what of the Chinese reaction? Think how they would react to such a program. And they stand by, looking elsewhere. Think of this next time one thinks of China.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Biden to Putin Message

       Well, VOVA, we just signed a 10 year pact with Ukraine, stating unqualified support for Volodmyr Zelensky and the besieged population of his country as they valiantly and continuously repel the invading forces of the Kremlin. 10 years. 10 long years Vova. Statistically, you will not be here on this planet. You will rejoin the cosmic dust from which you were hatched 71 years ago. The sad, sad Rus peoples that you have subjected to your ego will perhaps awaken from today's nightmare that has the good people of Siberia sending fathers and sons to die in a foreign land-FOREIGN land; not Russya.

     A 21st century tragedy, sure. But the West is patient: the West will outlast you just like we did with your model Josef Stalin, world's most infamous murderer. Trying to match him? You 've got a long, long way to go, but you're off to a good start. Good luck; see you in 10.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

The Wide Wide Sea: Continued

        Author Hampton Sides does his research/homework thoroughly, reading, talking to known experts on many related topics be it weather, oceanography, anthropology, ship construction of a period, cultural characteristics, and others. All components of a story - a narrative- combine to embrace the interest of a reader. In this case, the story of a prominent figure already known by generations of historians, anthropologists, and maritime authorities who traced the history of the Age of Exploration. 

       Sadly, in the 21st Century, sociologists and historians have turned against the explorers, against the navigators, against the seekers and intrepid sailors. Christopher Columbus has been relegated: sent down from his lofty pedestal to a dark place -scorned as the colonizer who destroyed native culture(s) in the western hemisphere. Spaniards and Italians and Portuguese join the British and the Dutch as those "colonizers" who brought disease, death, and slavery to the New World. By 1776, when Capt. Cook set sail from England on his 3rd voyage, much of the globe had been traversed, but many voids remained to be filled in by cartographers. And Cook would do his part again.

To be continued:

Capt. Cook's 3rd Voyage

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea, author Hampton Sides; Doubleday, 2024

       The Wide Wide Sea, also known as the Pacific Ocean, covers about a third of the planet earth. It stretches from the Arctic Circle to Antarctica, peppered here and there with minuscule islands, a few in the form of related chains of volcanic mountain tops. Until the late 18th century, few humans had ventured across its vast reaches; only a few intrepid explorers, a few bold islanders, and none others. The age of exploration was at its zenith, and the unknowns were becoming the knowns as charts, maps, and globes began to take the shapes we know today. 

      The European monarchs, always looking for new territories to conquer, funded exploration with their navies and sea captains, hoping to find new sources for materials used to enhance their kingdoms, their lands, and their influence. Captain James Cook, Royal Navy, fit the category of intrepid explorer and navigator. Not once, not twice, but three times this man ventured forth into the unknown, seeking, seeking, and seeking. And while seeking, writing, writing, charting, mapping, recording everything he saw and everything he did- and didn't do.

      After two very successful global cruises, his reputation was established as the MAN, the man who could do it all on the high seas and survive; ship and crew intact. The age of sail has been written about endlessly and continues today. In his book, author Hampton Sides retells Captain Cook's story of the third voyage of Discovery. This is Cook's final voyage whose mission was to find the Northwest Passage, that pathway over the North Pole from the Pacific Ocean to Europe thus bypassing the Atlantic Ocean and sailing directly to the shores of Great Britain. This mythical passage had entranced many navigators who searched for it; but it remained only in myth and folklore- a distant treasure route sought by many, found by none.  If anyone could find it, it was Captain James Cook.  His cartographic skills were immense; his research impeccable; his instruments state-of-the-art. His work endures to this day and his name appears on maps universally.

Captain James Cook, R.N.


    The Mayor of Tahoma is intimately familiar with the wide wide sea, having crossed the Pacific Ocean 8 times east to west and back again. A modern steamship cruises on a given course and sets out with a steel ship with known qualities. 

To be continued

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

No More Limbo for Trumpie:GUILTY

        Members of the jury decided that Donald J. Trump is found GUILTY on ALL 34 charges brought against him by the court. Thank you, your honor for your efforts on behalf of the people's representatives serving on the jury.

      DJT doesn't have to worry anymore about his guilt or innocence: he guilty.

Lake Link Transit Service

     Have you heard? Check it out: Lake Link Transit Service, now available in the Basin in addition to T.A.R.T.

Tahomans Face Water Changes

       Sadly, the private owner of the Tahoe Cedars Water Co., a local West Shore provider, passed away suddenly in March as he prepared to start his work day. A Homewood resident for many years, the Tahoe PUD had been approaching the company for a potential purchase.  This purchase is now in process and will soon be complete. All residents on the West Shore are already connected to the Tahoe PUD via the sewer connection which carries effluent to the Truckee treatment facility. The tie-in to the TPUD fresh water system may or may not include the existing service tanks that are sourced with well water from nearby deep wells.

       Given that most customers to Tahoe Cedars system do not have metered service, that option will now, no doubt be presented. Looking over the TPUD web site, all the rates for service are explained in detail. New homes built in the last decade or two have fire sprinkler systems required by state law. These systems, while not nearly universal are also considered.

     A time frame for completion has not been announced, but soon, customers will be advised as the purchase is completed. Stay tuned for upcoming changes.

Trump v. Biden Debate

     The Mayor is generally above national politics. Often, state politics warrant a few comments. Lake Tahoe politics which borders the nat...