Wednesday, May 15, 2024


   Pres. Biden continues to demonstrate continued support of the Ukrainian efforts to thwart the Russyan takeover of the country. Specifically, anti-aircraft missiles, artillery ammunition; armored vehicles, field medical supplies, field rations; communications gear, logistical support unit equipment, radar components; new drones.

     Mr. Blinken is a wandering ambassador of Pres. Biden, working the capitols of US allies, passing on foreign policy as called by the White House. Shuttling hither and yon, the tireless Secretary of State carries messages to leaders that indicate unfailing US support against Russyan and Chinese overreach. It's a difficult task, but our Secretary of State is a seasoned diplomat and can handle the mission. He has support of the newly appointed ambassador -at-Large Nathanial Fick, who follows the Secretary wherever he goes to coordinate cyber security policy among allies. His mission is to create a single, unified policy among those countries that rim the East Asian sphere. It's working.

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