Tuesday, April 21, 2015

GASPROM:=gas bomb

So, Russya sells lots of gas to Western Europe.  Lots of gas, in addition to the gas expelled from the Kremlin by its inhabitants, orally.  Well, the EU announced that an investigation has begun into the pricing of Russya's gas.  This comes on the heels of an announcement that the EU is also investigating Google and its control over internet searches.  Big targets, easy to hit.  But can it stick?
     The EU is getting its act together; no more intimidation by foreign monopolies of any stripe.  Mad Vlad will be back at the drawing board, thinking up some dastardly response.  Maybe he'll bring out the leopard again; maybe wrestle a Siberian bear; or maybe ride a musk ox around MOscova in the snow.  That will scare lots of folks in Mali, Eritrea, and Somalia.  He'll no doubt parade about to make some type of irrational statement to provoke a response.  Perhaps he'll call on the Castro Brothers to raise a few Federation flags?   Then again, maybe he'll invite Nicolas' Maduro of Venezuela to stop by the Kremlin for a little tete e' tete,  Certainly he w;on't parade those poor Chechens he's holding as suspects in the murder of Mr. Nemtsov.  Who?
     The EU has a new sheriff and SHE is getting aggressive.  This will cost the slowing economy of Russya even more foreign exchange.  Oh, well.  It's only ruobles.  Who really cares about the rouble, anyway?  The Ayatollah?  Mr. Morsi?  A Houthi in San'A?
     By the way, have you noticed the armada of ships off the coast of Yemen?  It's enough to make an old Blue Water sailor cry.  Aircraft carriers, destroyers, missile boats, supply vessels.  Probably a few subs lurking about below the surface.   Maybe Iran will get the message, finally.

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