Sunday, April 19, 2015

Book Review: OUTLOOK, by Christopher Hill

     Have you ever wondered how the US diplomats get anything done during discussions with representatives of foreign governments?  How can they achieve satisfactory results with dictators, prime ministers, presidents, or kings and queens?  Chris Hill, a retired foreign service officer has written an excellent memoir of his 30+ year career that included ambassadorships, special envoys slots, embassy official, consular officer, and area specialist.   He advised numerous US presidents, Secretarys of State including Warren Christopher, Colin Powell, Condelezza Rice, and Hillary Clinton.   He was a critical component of the peace agreement ending the Bosnia War during the Clinton administration.
      The strength of his memoir lies in the telling of the many details of the operations of statecraft in the modern era.  At a time of instant communication, information gathering has taken on new meaning.  Unfortunately, so much information is available that sorting and analyzing has become the newest problem.  Ambassador Hill writes with the authority of someone who lived through trying times, dealt with war and crises that required the highest performance by experienced diplomats.  Mr. Hill retired in 2009.
     He describes his early international experience as a Peace Corps worker in Cameroon as an inexperienced representative of a development organization.   He was thrust into a situation that required sound judgment and even handed treatment of illiterate farmers who wanted their own credit union.  At 24 years of age, he stepped up and did a fine job establishing an institution that performed as designed for the benefit of the many.
     Despite training and oversight, many situations are not covered by the "book" or by senior staff.  Subordinate officers have to use good judgment and get the job done, always keeping in mind that they represent the people of the United States.
    Today, as Secretary of State John Kerry attempts to reach a deal with Iran on its nuclear development program, the public has been able to get a glimpse of how difficult it can be to reach any accord with a recalcitrant, reckless, dishonest, brain-addled government leader and his diplomats.
Christopher gives his insights and specifics of details that resulted in the Akron Accords that ended the Bosnia War.  It's a good read and a great story/memoir.
4* read.  Available in hardcover

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