Sunday, April 5, 2015

Early Spring Snow Bonus

     Note to Gov. Jerry Brown:  your unprecedented draconian water cut backs may have been premature.  Snow is in the forecast for the next several days:  maybe as much as 8" or more above 7000'.  So, you Sacramento Solons, put that in your pipes and smoke it.  Yes, we have experienced drought conditions and this winter followed 3 previous below average years of rain/snow.  So, we'll enjoy this "bonus" as it falls upon us; as it gives a bit of relief; as it reminds us of Mother nature's whims and carefree attitudes towards earth's minions.
      How would you like living in Kamchatka, on Russya's northeast coast, where they have 9 months of "REAL" winter(snow, ice, sub-zero temperatures, darkness, isolation, boredom, fear, bears, wolves, and vodka)?  Maybe California during a drought is still better than some places.  The Old Grey Lady,, has a nice article in today's edition(Easter Sunday) about the latest perceptions among residents of the State of California and residents beyond its borders(easterners).  It focuses primarily on variations of usage among residents in widely dispersed locations: north, south, and in the Central Valley.  It mentions the extravagant use of water by agricultural interests, which consumes more than 90% of distributed water.  If so, and it is so, the state's 38+millions of residents are hardly a factor in consumption.  Mr. Brown, playing the fear feature, would have residents believe that taking a shower is a luxury.  Harumph.  What a pathetic old man!  Maybe his wife, Ann, should tell him a few more facts about water: "Dear, cleanliness is next to godliness and I know you are familiar with godliness, ex-seminarian that you are.  Showers are a staple of a healthy population, so tell the farmers to cut back, especially rice growers and cotton growers, and definitely, some of the lettuce growers.  We live in a desert, you Putz!"  
     Enjoy the whiteness.  Watch the road conditions, drive safely.

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