Thursday, October 17, 2024

Jamie 'JD" Vance Answers the Question

        Vice presidential candidate, Sen. James Vance of Ohio, finally, answered a question he has avoided while on the campaign trail with ex-president DJT. Sen. VAnce  has been asked repeatedly by media types did he believe that DJT lost the 2020 presidential election that was won by Pres. Joe Biden. He responded on the road many times that "he had mixed" feelings on the results. In other words, he didn't want to go on record with his actual thoughts on the subject. Like a "true" Yale Law School grad, he squirmed as he had been taught: dodge the question, avoid the answer.  

      So, the flip-flopping candidate knew that time was running out as election day fast approaches. His advisors probably told him 'you better answer this or the media will hang you with on the eve of the vote. So he did; and here's what he said: "I don't believe he lost the election." Election denier can be added to Old Slippery now. He has swallowed the Trump Doctrine: Deny, deny, deny; attack, attack, attack. The Acolyte in Chief is now on the public record: DENIER.

        An educated young man with a goal: ascend the heights in any manner whatsoever ; truth does not matter; facts don't matter; by any means necessary; the end justify the means; the voters don't matter; the country doesn't matter; only winning any way possible matters. Lie, cheat, steal on the way to the top. Integrity is for chumps. I'm a man; a Catholic man who doesn't believe in any truth, any moral position. 

I'm James Vance, revealed.

A sad case of idol worship. Hopefully, he'll end up where he belongs: on the ash heap of history with his idol:DJT.

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      Good news all around the Middle East today as Israeli government confirmed that Yahya Sinwa, leader of the HAMAS terrorists, is dead. ...