Thursday, October 17, 2024

Down in Georgia: Fani Willis is BACK

       Old Trumpie, visibly tiring on the campaign trail as the cycle nears its end, has to face a renewed challenge that his legal team thought was gone and forgotten: the Election Interference Charges from the State Attorney General in Georgia. The AG, Fani Willis, had her charges dismissed by a judge based on his ruling that the charges were obscure and not clearly defined thus preventing those charged with the inability to mount a proper defense. The judge did not say the charges were flippant or unworthy, he said to clarify them. The AG has done so in her appeal to the court which will be heard soon.

        In addition to Mr. Trumpie, his raft of bootlickers, toadies, and yes-men include the remarkable scumbag Rudy"America's Mayor" Giuliani; White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows; White House Counsel John Eastman, and several others. DJT thought this case foundered when AG Willis hired a friend who would manage the case and started a relationship with the man, now sent away. AG Willis has proven to be resilient and dedicated to her role.

       The case hinges on multiple phone calls to the Georgia Secretary of State Raffensburger after the 2020 election was over and DJT thought he could change the results with some applied direct pressure to those individuals who counted the vote. The calls were recorded and played to a nationwide audience. The conversation included requests from trumpie that he needed 11,000 votes and the Secretary could find them -somewhere! Additionally, ex-Mayor of NYC Giuliani, accused 2 women poll workers of engaging in vote tampering, subjecting them to harassment and death threats. They sued, and the Scumbag lost in court and they were awarded $148 millions in damages. Hmmmmm. Poor Rudy.

      This will play out soon enough, much to the shock of the Republican Party, now home to gullible deniers and shallow thinkers hoping to the return to a distant past gone forever. The country is tired of the incessant campaigning; the media blitz that goes with it; and the continued attack on democracy by fledgling autocrats. While the election will end after November 5th, the buildup to inauguration day will hardly be uneventful as party hacks play legal games with state courts around the country where voters went against the party wishes. Even Marjorie Taylor Green, Representative of Georgia, will come out on her soapbox and rant and rave to her few supporters.

    This case, in state court, could be the one that sinks the Republican Party once and for all. 

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