Wednesday, March 26, 2025

When in Doubt, Send in the Clowns

        New information has come out about the details of the operation against the Houthis in the Red Sea region was revealed today, Wednesday. The "pathetic" group of Trump appointees makes the world look over them and to their appointing authority: DJT.

       Sec. of Defense, Peter Hegseth, said that 'no classified' information was included in discussions among the participants attending the SIGNAL chat.  Hmmmmmm. The Atlantic magazine released more information today that counters that statement. The information gleaned from the discussion included time lines for the operation-the bombing of Houthi positions and the timing. Not secret? Not classified? Not worrisome? And then we have POTUS responding that it's not a problem, not an issue, and it's all Joe Biden's fault, or Mr. Goldberg of the magazine.

     I wonder what the pilots of the jets that carried out the mission think of all this? Maybe the media types can go to the USS Harry Truman and ask them, post mission. How would they respond to these questions? Maybe they would be honest and explain their concerns about OPSEC(operational security, a term thrown around during the chat as if it meant something).

     Some of the best comments came from Vice President James Vance. He made sure of his position as anti-Europe and the necessity of making the NATO/EU countries pay in some manner for the US' operation that keeps the Suez Canal fully functioning as a conduit for European container shipping. Ol' Elegy author opposed the timing of the operation, opining that it would be better to wait a month or more, adding he supports the POTUS fully on the decision to go(OPSEC?).

      Reports are coming in that the new subscriber numbers for the Atlantic are through the roof,  as Mr. Goldberg continues to dominate media coverage of the Federal government's predicament.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

SIGNAL Group Chat Discussed in Congress Hearing

       The Senate Intelligence Committee interviewed the nation's top leaders regarding intelligence oversight. Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intel was among the group; also Sec. of Defense, Pete Hegseth, Kash Patel, -F.B.I. Director, and a couple of high -ranking general officers. Instead of a state of readiness discussion, the topic was the group chat now resounding around the globe.

      The Senators wanted answers; they got excuses and handoffs of responsibility. Their finger pointing was directed to the un-appointed 'chat' participant: Jeffrey Goldberg, a senior editor/reporter for the Atlantic magazine. He was invited to join the chat group. He reported in the Atlantic that he attended the group chat that discussed an impending attack on Houthi rebels in Yemen that took place within hours of this chat.  Those officials said that nothing discussed was "classified". This statement, on its face, is a lie. Military operations are classified by their very nature. The information contained therein is viable in real time and can cause untold damage to military committed to the operation. To say otherwise by leaders is to cast serious doubt on their competence and commitment to the security of combat units and the men and women in those units.  

     Perhaps the South African Jackal should be called in to sanitize the group: send them all home on paid leave until such time as the orders can be written that will fire them once and for all. The MuskRat knows how to cut Federal excess and this group represents unqualified simpletons whose lack of experience clearly makes the whole unfit to serve anywhere in the federal workforce.

      Trumpie only  exacerbates the problem by making absurd responses. Many of those responding to questions pointed the finger at Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic. He was astounded that he was invited to join the chat; but he was and he joiuned in to see if it was in fact a group chat. It was, as he reported in the magazine article yesterday.

     Additionally, the special envoy for the Middle East, Steve Witkoff, was included in the chat while he was in Moskva, visiting the Rus in the Kremlin. Was the FSB included in the chat? Of, corse. How could they not and be called the FSB?

     Elon: fix this now.

Venezuela Opens the Door: Again.

      So, we get the photos again of deported migrants being repatriated back home to Venezuela. Old Maduro has relented, under Trumpie pressure, to accept deportees air lifted home. What did it take to accomplish this act. Hmmmm. What oil cartel took up the deal and carried it across the goal line? No doubt, a deal was struck by some Muskratee who hand carried the paper work from the White House to Caracas over the weekend.

       The deals are flying off the printer with increasing speed as the 100 Day Period of the 2nd Empire closes in on results. What a circus we have witnessed. Think about how the will of one has become the new norm of politics in North America. Have we seen this before? Not here, but in many other places: Russya, China, old Ottoman, Africa, Old Europe, old Germany, old Italy, etc., etc., etc....

       And now the I.R.S. is getting some action, as in a reduction of manpower. Wheeeeeeee. No more audits; no more tax bills, wheeeeeeeeeee. Freedom from taxation. Who needs taxes? Not us said the billionaires, only 'those' people.

Democrats? Deadocrats.

How About the PANAMA Deal

        So, we now know that Wall St. heavyweight Blackrock has worked a deal for port operations in the former CAnal Zone, now known as Panama. The investment bank signed on with Hutchinson Co. of Hong Kong to buy a majority interest in port ops, east and west ends of the canal. And Beijing-(Xi & Co.) doesn't like this. What can they do about it. Very little as it turns out. Hutchinson & Co. started moving money and ops out of Hong Kong years ago after the billionaire head of the company realized that Xi would be an opponent of good business practice.

       Bye, bye, Hong Kong; Hello any place else. 

Pete Hegseth: Dept. of Suspense Head

        Well, the whole country is laughing, except those in the military who work for the "new" Defense Department 'Boob of the Month'. Pete Hegseth, Sec. of Defense, is on the carpet-not the red carpet of fame, but the  RED carpet of SHAME. The new Boob @ the Dept. of Defense is walking back his crowd chat with other boobs who discussed secret war plans on chat app SIGNAL. Signal developers like the media coverage; MAGA fools don't. as of today. Hmmmmm. How could this serious faux pax be walked back? MAybe if they bribe the editor in chief of the Atlantic magazine they 'll get lucky. Fat chance. This is a once in a career bump up by a magazine editor.

      Ol Pete Hegseth has demonstrated his incompetence, again. And what about his co-conspirators? They're right there with him. Boobs, all. Again, the poor infantry will have to pay the price if push comes to shove. With this cabal of idiots in charge, the military is screwed, big time.

      MAGA will want to change the spelling of magazine to eliminate any confusion with its movement. And Trumpie says he didn't know anything about no signals.

Friday, March 21, 2025

Truth in Advertising

    Ah, realtors: they are ranked just below lawyers for low lifes. In today's WSJ, there's a section with special ads for locations with recent disaster effects. One property is in the Pacific Palisades section on the coast of California. The beautiful home is listed -with photos-as a 4 x 4 home, well appointed.

    It gives the address as  532-N.Las Casas Ave., 90272. (note the 902-- zip code area). The lister is---Zillow, the online realty site.. One problem:

  The home is gone-burned to the ground in the devastating Malibu Fire of recent time. Really? Who would do this? Typical corporate business model.

     Gives the NAR another 'black eye'. Well deserved, too.

Truth in advertising? Not today, Bunkie. Maybe tomorrow, but not today. Given the "new" definition oif truth spewing forth from the White House, we might have to wait awhile for truth to be redefined, again.

When in Doubt, Send in the Clowns

        New information has come out about the details of the operation against the Houthis in the Red Sea region was revealed today, Wednes...